Tuesday 18 October 2016

DZ-PNL 18 : who's being this licence plate number?

Hi everyone ! I'm Dz-Pnl18, I'm 17 years old and I was born on December 12, In Vierzon. 
This year is my last in my high school, in Bourges.

In my family we’re 3 sisters and my parents, but I live with my mother and one of my sisters. 
The other one is married, with kids… and live in Orléans. 
My father lives alone in Vierzon.

I’m Algerian from my two parents' side and a big part of my family live in Algeria that’s why I go every year and I like this because this permits me to get closer to my family and my culture.

I still don't know what profession I will exactly do when I am  older but I have several ideas like being a lawyer, a social worker or working in the psychology field.
As you could guess, I want to have a job with social and human communication that will permit me to help people who need it because I enjoy this. 
With my friends for example, I like being there when they're not okay about whatever, seeing their smile always makes me happy.

I like any style of music. I'm someone eclectic even if I have a preference for French and US rap.  My favorite are PNL, a group of two french rappers who are also brothers. 
They have Algerian and Corsican Origin.

Their songs are about surbuban living and the difficult life of those youngs people who grew up in ghettos. With the lyrics of their song we can easily identify to them when they were younger and also have an idea of their difficult teenager past.

I don't watch a lot of movies but High School Musical  is the movie that marked my childhood. I fell in love with the TV show  Vampire Diaries .

It's been my favorite tv show, after  Grey's Anatomy  and 90210.

And to finish, thanks for reading me ! 

You who are reading my presentation, take care of you !!


  1. one,two,three viva l'algerie! your projects for later are look very intersting. Do you know where you went study? chenle

  2. I guessed who you are ! You article are very interesting !

  3. Good presentation of you Dz-Pnl18 Byyye :)

  4. Your presentation was interesting, we can learn a lot of things about you, that's cool.
    I wonder who you are, maybe I'll find that later :) -Pegasus

  5. Your article is very interesting ! Madridista

  6. hellooooo habibati!!!
    your presentation was sooo inspiring i hope you'll succeed in everything you want to i support you!!!

  7. Hi, just with your pseudonym we can know who you are ! xxx

  8. Good article DZ-PNL18 :)
    - Chamallow

  9. 90210 is a very cool serie I watch it all the time ;)

  10. It was nice to know you a little more ! :)
