Sunday 9 October 2016

Meet the person behind the alias... or the animal...

Hey guys ! I am Zbebzbeb ( nice name ), and I'm a werewolf.

So I am a student and I'm in love with food, miaaaam
 I also love  watching several series like Game of Thrones or well Teenwolf and more. 
And about movies, I sometime watch them but my favorites movies are Avatar, Inception and Lucy, which are fantastic movies and I really love them ! 
I rarely read because I dont specially like it, it's a little strange I know, because I'm in a Literature course. 
And in my free time, when I'm at home ( because I rarely go outside) I like watching documentaries on TV and surf on social networks and let's not  forget, I looove cooking with my mother ( and  eating too lol ). ;)

 And I think that's all, so see you soon, bye !



  1. Your presentation was really interesting !
    If you love watching Game of Thrones, who is your favourite character? And which house is your favourite?
    I really like Lucy too, it's a beautiful movie and the end always makes me cry !
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

  2. Omg Zbebzbeb your article is the funniest i've read so far i couldn't stop laughing continue like that my sunshine

  3. I really like your last image ! It's the definition of life, but the moroccan flag would have been better lol ;)

  4. One of my favorite movie is Lucy too !!
    and , foot is life !

  5. Your presentation describes you very well. Zbezbe in one article!

  6. I so much appreciated Lucy too! So a good movie! Yse

  7. Great description of yourself. Love cooking and eating too. Game of thrones is soooooo good !!!
    I prefer the Starks, and you ?


  8. Hello Zbebzbeb, Inception is my favorite brain wash movie !
    If you are a werewolf take care about the hunters !!
    Nice article !

  9. You're a werewolf ? It's supernatural. Madridista

  10. I love tacos ! I love your article, and teenwolf is a great serie! xoxo

  11. Woooo I just love tacos... And the Algerian flag is beautiful! :)I know myself just in your presentation!


  12. hi zbebzbeb, your picture represent you good, B2o in the place ! Cardinal

  13. Your presentation is very funny! I like your sense of humor.
    Nice presentation ! :D

  14. Reese advice me to come in the blog so I'm here! I read you article and I love some things you like too like the movie Lucy or Avatar (I love the food too). See you soon
    -Emilie (aka Jesus)
