Monday 17 October 2016

Pegasus on the shore...

Hello, I am Pegasus !

I am sixteen, nearly seventeen and I live in Bourges.

I love Harry Potter (favourite character: Bellatrix Lestrange) and Game of Thrones (favourite character: Sansa Stark).

I listen to symphonic metal, my favorite groups are Haggard and Blind Guardian.

I draw and paint sometimes, when I can find inspiration… It is an important part of my life!

I really love reading and I read a lot.

My favorite book is Kafka on the Shore, a magical realist novel published in 2002 by Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author. This book is great!

There are two interrelated stories:

During the odd chapters we can follow Kafka's story. He's a 15 years old boy, trying to escape an Oedipal prophecy, while some chapters tell Nakata's story, an old man working as a finder of lost cats.

Then, those unusual characters are both carried away in an unexpected and shattering adventure...

 This magical-realist book make us think about the relation between dreams, subconscious and reality.

Moreover, Murakami's writing style is amazing, there are a lot of metaphors and it looks really poetic. He also makes a lot of references to other books, authors, musics… What an interesting writer!

If you don't know what to read I can advise you this novel!

Here are some beautiful quotes from Kafka on the Shore to convince you!

•‪ If you remember me, then I don't care if anyone else forgets.”

•‪ When I open them, most of the books have the smell of an earlier time leaking out between the pages -a special odor of the knowledge and emotions that for ages have been calmly resting between the covers. Breathing it in, I glance through a few pages before returning each book to its shelf.”

•‪ You're afraid of imagination and even more afraid of dreams. Afraid of the responsibility that begins in dreams. But you have to sleep and dreams are a part of sleep. When you're awake you can suppress imagination but you can't suppress dreams.”

•‪ “Closing your eyes isn't going to change anything. Nothing's going to disappear just because you can't see what's going on. In fact, things will even be worse the next time you open your eyes. That's the kind of world we live in.”


  1. Hello ! I agree with you for quotes, they are very inspiring. You have an impressive talent in drawing. I hope to see more of what you're drawing in a future article, see you !

    1. Hello Nenette !
      Thank you so much !
      That's an idea, I'll think about it ;) -Pegasus

  2. Hi ! It's Baptiste !
    I've listened to Haggard and Blind Guardian and I don't especially love it as it is metal, but I understand why you do, the music is really cool !
    As you aready know I love your drawings, especially the one with the dragon.
    I was waiting for your article, and I'm not disappointed. I've heard you talk about this book many times and even if I haven't read it, maybe I will.
    Bye little Pegasus and see you soon :3
    Love, -Baptiste

    1. Hey you !
      Ahah yes, I know that we don't like the same kind of music sometimes ^^
      Thank you so much !
      I'm happy if I made you want to read it ! Tell me if you do it :)
      See you, love, -Pegasus

  3. Your presentation of the book made me want to read it. Moreover, I've already heard some extracts of this book on the radio few years ago and it already made me want to discover this writer.
    And about your musical tastes, it made me discover a new musical style and two groups that I didn't know at all.
    Thank you for learning me things this afternoon.
    -Pegasus' mother.

    1. If you want to read it, just ask me, I already bought this book !
      Oh that's interesting, you haven't told me that you've heard some extracts of it on the radio, it looks cool.
      See you, -Pegasus

  4. I prefer Blind Guardian to Haggard, probably because of I don't really like the singer's voice. But these two groups are great, Blind Guardian surely is my favorite metal group.
    I love your drawings! (but you already know it) (but I'll never say it enough)
    Kafka on the shore is a great book, and it is interesting to see how many things remain unexplained. I made lots of hypotesis, mostly to link elements from the different parts of the book. Like for example, what is that thing in the begining, is it really linked to the story? Was it just a lost B-29 or something like that? Or has it really an influence on the story? Maybe it is even the starting point of the events...
    Very good article!

    1. Ahah, I'm happy because you discovered this group thanks to me last year :p
      Thank you ! (That's cute)
      I really like your hypotesis and I was wondering the same things. It's a good thing that there are a lot of questions without any answers, like that we can use our imagination...
      Thanks Sam !

  5. Very good article Pegasus! I listened to Haggard, I liked, I find that original ! I find that you make drawings so awesome and I was lucky that you make me one like the ohm in drawing as the one that you presents in your article! I believe that you already had me to speak of being read, I would read it has the opportunity ahah !
    Byyyyyyyyye Pegasus :)

    1. Thank you Roots&Culture !
      I'm happy if you like it then !
      That's cute, thanks (I'm really happy if you like the one I did for you, it's exactly the one I put on my article) !
      Oh yes, I've told you about this book during one philosophy lesson, I remember. I hope you'll have time to read it then !
      See you :D -Pegasus

    2. I adore your drawing, I even hung on it in my room ahah :)
      Yes exact. I hope too !

    3. That's so cuuute ahah thanks :3 -Pegasus

  6. Hi cousin !
    How can you prefer Bellatrix when Dobby die ! My heart is bleeding, you know.
    However, you're forgiven: you know my love for Blind Guardian, nyaha.
    This dragon is so great *-*
    That book looks good, sweet quotes !
    So, love and kitten,
    A wild unicorn...

    1. Hey you !
      I know it is sad when Dobby dies, but Bellatrix is just soooo awesome *-* sorry *-* Nooo I don't want your heart to bleed sweet unicorn with silver blood, come here, let me hug you :3
      Ahah yes I know it, by the way thank you for making me discorver this group when we met 0/
      Thanks :3
      Believe me, this book is really great !
      Hugs and ponies,
      -Pegasus 0/

  7. Those metal bands are as epic as your drawings!
    You're really making me want to read Kafka on the Shore but I've so much to read before, hoping that wouldn't take to long!
    -Amaury (from Pegasus)

    1. Ahah thank you Amaury 0/
      Don't worry, you still have a lot of time to read it before the end of the year !
      See you, -Pegasus

  8. Hi Pegasus ! Your article was pretty cool, I learnt a lot of things about you that I didn't know haha xD
    Your drawings really are awesome ! *-*
    I really have to read Kafka on the Shore one day, it looks amazing and the quotes were beautiful, I'd be happy to read a article on it if you decide to do so.^^
    See you !

  9. "The boy named crow" commend this great page.
    Nice presentation of this great novel Pegasus!

    1. Ahah thanks :3
      See you soon Blaufrosche! -Pegasus

  10. helloooo sweety pegasuuus
    your nickname reminds me of beyblade metal fusion, you know with these spinning tops and that guy Ginga who always goes like " PEGASUS EXPLOSION STELAIRE " loooool ok ok enough

    your drawings are making me SOO JEALOUS!!! I'm so mad at you but amazed at the same time :'( i wanna see more of them

    the book you've just talked about seems really interesting and guess what, i was currently searching for something to read so maybe i'll take a look at it hihihi

    have you got others favorite books ? i'd be happy to share some titles with you hihihi

    kiss kissssss

    1. Hey little Fenrir !
      Noooo I don't like Beyblade metal fusion ahah :') it was more like a My Little Pony reference ;)
      Don't be jealous, your drawings are awesome ! Anh :3 don't worry I'll show you :)
      This book is really interesting, tell me if you decide to do so ;)
      My other favourite books are Journal d'un corps by Daniel Pennac, le Parfum d'Adam by Jean-Christophe Rufin and other books by Murakami like the Wind-Up Bird Chronicles or Sputnik Sweatheart.
      It would be a good idea to share some titles, tell me yours ;)
      Love, -Pegasus

  11. Thank you, ahah I know, you must have learnt a looooot of things as you really don't know me in real life :p
    Thanks :3
    Yes you have to, and as you already loved the 1Q84 trilogy by Haruki Murakami, you'll like this one ! Kafka on the Shore is my favourite book by Haruki Murakami, even if I really like 1Q84, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Sputnik Sweetheart too !

    1. Oh yes I did haha x)
      Thank you for your advices, I will read them whenever I'll get the chance to put my hands on them !^^
      See you !

  12. You drawing like a genius wow !
    This is very interesting article thanks dor sharing that :)

    1. Thank you LinxZ :) -Pegasus

  13. To begin your drawings are really attractive and secondly in harry potter, bellatrix lestrange is really one "key charcter" of this saga! Helena bonham carter, is a very good actress because she can does play anythying else. For exemple she plays in the movie "les sufragettes" who is a beautiful movie i recommend it to you if you not see it, but it's not "magical" movie. bye! chenle

    1. Thank you !
      That's true ! I love Helena Bonham Carter, she is one of my favourite actress, I watched a lot of movies with her, and I especially love Sweeney Todd directed by Tim Burton :) I've never seen "les sufragettes" but I wanted to see it and I will !
      Bye :) -Pegasus

  14. I'm so happy to read your article sweety Pegasus! And i'm to learning about you. I'm so obssessed with your draws *-*

    1. Anh that's cute, thank you so much little Ravenclaw *-* -Pegasus

    2. PS: And I'm really happy that you showed me your drawings today, they are great, really beautiful and inspiring ! I hope you'll show me if you draw other things :) -Pegasus

  15. Hyyyye Pegasus!
    You're article was so nice, and your drawings are just... wonderful! Maybe I'll read this book, it looks interesting but I have to much things to do (seriieeeees)

    Ahaha, have a good evening! <3

    1. Thanks Reese :3
      That's cute !
      Ahah I understand, the Walking Dead is baaaack 0/
      LOVE <3 -Pegasus

  16. Hey Pegasus !!! You have already talk me about Murakami but your article give me envy to read it. Haggard is a good group, even if I don't know lot of their songs. Would you make me discover them ??? And I think you know it but your drawings are beautiful ( my family confirms ^^) Thank you to make me discover this blog, it is very interesting and make me progress in english.
    PS: Sorry for mistakes ^^'

    1. Hey Léa ! Ahah yes I know ;) you should, it's a good book ;)
      I will make you discover them :)
      Thanks *-* (your dad told me this morning :))
      I'm happy if you made progress :)
      See you :3 -Pegasus

  17. Hello Pegasus,

    I don't know a lot about Symphonic metal. Can you tell me more about this kind of music (the roots by example) ?

    1. Hey Dad !
      Yes I can, symphonic metal is a special kind of metal : classical music with symphonic instruments, metal and epic music are mixed. There is a strong fantasy and imaginary inspiration, like with Tolkien's universe. (For exemple, the album Nightfall in Middle-Earth by Blind Guardian, is inspired by the Silmarillion).
      I hope I learnt you some things ! -Pegasus

    2. Hey Pegasus !

      Thanks for your explanation. I'll start next to listen this kind of music.

  18. Hello Pegasus ! To begin, I would like to tell you that your drawings are incredible. You're very talented. When I see your works, just " Wouah", really !! ;)
    Your article was very interesting. I am a huge fan in quotations, so I enjoyed the quotes which you have put in your article. My favorite is the last, this quote is very beautiful and inspiring.

    1. Thank you Minimalist, you are nice ! :)
      Ahah, I knew that ;) I'm glad you liked them. It is true that the last one is really beautiful and inspiring ! But personally, my favourite is the first one :)
      Thanks for you comment, see you soon, -Pegasus

  19. Hi !
    What a nice article ! I think your drawings are quite impressive, you're really talented. Your presentation gives me a good idea of who you are, your personality, your tastes. Hope you will follow your studies in the English department, and that you will enjoy it !
    - Candice (the daughter of your mother's colleague)

    1. Hey Candice,
      Thank you so much, I'm touched.
      I guess it means that was a good presentation then... :)
      Thank you for sharing your experience about your studies, it helped me a lot and I really think it is what I want to do later. It seems to be great !
