Tuesday 25 March 2014

YayaTamTam on a bench with... Bernabear!

- Oh Margaux I’m so happy to be here with you!

-Me too! Are you okay today?

-Of course, I’m here, with you, in front of this beautiful beach, what else?

- Nespresso? 

- Ahahahahah… so shut up darling…

-In short, is it okay with your boyfriend?

-Sometimes yes, sometimes no… but I think it’s the same in all couple. 

-Yes, I agree! You must be positive!

-And you? 

-Everything is perfect with him! I love him so much, he loves me so much too. I think nothing could separate us.

-I’m happy for you, really.
- Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, I hope you could feel it in your life.

-I hope too. In short, have you chosen what you want to do next year?

-Yes, like this year. And you?

-Me too, but I don’t know what I could do after the Bac... I’m so afraid when I think about it.

-Oh yes! They ask us very soon what we want to do in our life. It’s a very important and hard question. When you are 17 it’s difficult to make a choice for all your life… It stresses me out!

- I totally agree with you! But it’s cool it’s mean that we will be in the same class again! 

-Oh yes it’s so good!  Do you remember when you saw our names on the list at the start of the school year? When we saw we are together? With Theo? Do you remember the big hug that we made? It’s a great memory!

 -Yes! And the supervisor made fun of us and said “What will it be when you have your exam!”

- Ahah yes, it was funny!

- And do you remember when we met? When we were 8?

-Oh yes. I left Paris, and I arrived in school and I didn’t have friends. 

-And Lea and I came to speak to you and after that we became friends. 

-It was easier when we were young…

- Yes, and we’re not adult yet! Imagine when we’ll must leave home, find a job, find a man to create a family, pay taxes… 

- For the moment I think we’re in the best passage of our life. It’s the beginning of the liberty, the beginning of experiences, of mistakes, of decisions, but we stay with parents who love us and help us. 

- I agree with you…

- Let’s be brief! Are you still okay to go to the “Printemps de Bourges” together?

- Of course! And with the team too!

- That goes without saying. I’ll go to two concerts and you?

- To three! 

- Oh my mother wasn’t okay I’ll go to the three. But it’s better than nothing!

- Absolutely! Anyhow it’s two big parties! You could come sleep at home when you want.

- That’s what I had already thought.

- As usual that’s what you had predicted. You know my home is like your home.

- I know and it’s the same for mine! That’s why you enter in, and you don’t knock at the door! Ahah it’s funny I like it so much it’s like we live together, between friends!

- It would be the dream! Imagine if we could live together in a little and cosy apartment. One room for you to sleep in, one room for me, and one “secret room” ahah do you understand what I mean, no? 

- Oh a “green room”? Ahah I understand very well! 

- We’re crazy and I love it!

-We’re not crazy, we’re young, honey!


  1. It's a very lovely article !

    1. I agree with you !!


    2. Thank you! I'm happy that you like it :)

  2. You seem to be best friends and very closer to each other! I find you so cute ^^


    1. Friends are important in this hard world

  3. Beautiful story! ^^ (but you didn't speak in the past or the future; isn't it?)


  4. Nespresso? What else?
    (It is necessary that someone so :3 )

  5. This article is lovely! You seem to be really close to your friends :)

  6. Congrat's for the joke of Nespresso ! Good story

    1. What else ? :) thank you

  7. hum your article is very lovely and I hope you are the best friends in the world. I love your friendship ...)

    by grecy

  8. I didn't understand the end with the green room but anyway, like the others said, you look very close to each other :)

    1. Only my friends can understand the green room... :p

  9. I enjoyed the part with Nespresso

  10. How sweet! Maybe in 20 years you'll seat on the same bench again, and still be friends!

    1. I hope we still be friends for ever

  11. A real discussion between girl! it speaks a lot about everything and nothing! ahaaaa

    1. Proud to be girls and of our discussion !! :p

  12. I loved when you you talked about when you met, so cute ^^
    Stuffed rabbit
