Sunday 23 March 2014

Oton Tik and his friend...

Terry was my first best friend when I was younger, I considered Terry as the brother that I've never had.

Unfortunately we lost contact with each other, that's why I imagine this conversation with him on a bench. (Joe was my nickname)

Sitting on a bench, when suddenly.. :

Terry: Eh the black guy next to me?

Me: Are you talking about m... Oh my God Terry! Is it really you !?

Terry: Hey Joe, It's been ages !

Me: Indeed, it's been more than 10 years! I'm so happy to see you, so how are you? Tell me about your life ! I have so many questions!

Terry: Haha, I'm fine! Eh calm down Joe.

Me: What are you doing? I talk about your studies.

Terry: I've chosen to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector because I wanted to make a difference in society... I'm joking, I stopped school.

Me: You have not changed, still the same funny man!

Terry: So, tell me about you? I can see that you've grown up!

Me: I'm not the stupid kid that you used to know. I am a literature student and I practice dance and play music.

Terry: I am impressed, show me how you move your body!

Me: Not here..
Terry: Don't be shy, come on! 

Me: Let's talk about you before! Where do you live now?

Terry: I live in Switzerland my mum found an excellent job, so we moved somewhere else. I was lucky, I found a girlfriend who helps me.

Me: Congratulation, I'm happy for you.
But tell me, how did you find me here?

Terry: A long story.. I took the train to Paris, but unfortunately the train had problems and it stopped in Bourges and guess what !

Me: Tell me?

Terry: I met up your mother!

Me: Incredible, what happened then?

Terry: Then, she said to me where I could find you!

Me: Amazing, I can't believe that !

Terry: My train to Paris will leave in 30 minutes, can I get your phone number?

Me: Of course 06... Maybe we can take a coffee? The bench is uncomfortable.

Terry: Why not, you'll tell me all these incredible things I missed.

Me: I have been so busy with my studies so I have not had the time to do incredible things as you said!

Terry: I know that you have interesting things to tell me! Come on dude.

Me: I'll try! How is Switzerland? Give me every single details. We have the time to make up for the lost time !"

They enter the coffee shop...


  1. Good story, very interesting !


    1. Thanks you Forest!

  2. Nice article ;) Are you really busy with your studies ? :D

    1. Not really, it was a joke haha

  3. It's too bad that you lost contact with him... He looked nice.


    1. Yes, too bad but that's life!

  4. It's a good story, we dream all to see again our childhood friends !

    1. Yes, I hope that one day, we can our childhood in meeting or something like that!

  5. You almost have touching me Bro :p
    ahahahah Jacquees

  6. I think it's a very good article. Me too I was having a best friend when I was younger, but we lost contact and now.. We are in the same school, and we don't talk to each other..


    1. Oh it's a sad ending! Thanks you for the reading Tsitsa.

  7. This is quite interesting!

  8. good story bro I like your article if you meet terry tell him greating salutation in my part

    by grecy

  9. I also had a very good friend when I was younger, which whom I lost contact because he moved in a new town, it's too bad but this is the life, like some say .. !

  10. Very good article!! It is quite touching!

  11. I liked your article, indeed it would be so nice to meet old friends! The picture is cute too, the kids look like little brats ^^ (but not in the bad way)

  12. Great article, I would love to see again old friends to see if we would still be as close as we used to be
    Stuffed rabbit

  13. The choice of the personn and the story is so cute !

