Tuesday 18 March 2014

Bernabear would sit on the bench with an accomplice...

If I could sit on this bench and talk to anyone for one hour, I think it would be a beginner raider (thief)(and of course, I would be the boss).

 I know it's not common.  But It has always been a "dream" to control a robbery. So that would be our dialogue , on this bench.

- You're late.
- I know. I had to take an unexpected way. It won't happen again.
- I hope so. For you. So, do you have the map?
- Yes. But that's the old one. I heard someone talk about that. But I didn't have time to find the other one.
- Mmh. I think it will be okay. It doesn't seem so old. I guess it will be easy. This bank doesn't look large.
- You're crazy! A bank is a bank. It's always hard to burgle a bank!
- Shut up, you're just a beginner! If you do what I tell you to do, everything will be okay. If you do what pass through your head, it won't be my problem anymore.
- So what is the plan? I am ready to do it.
- You will have to be there at 8 pm. You'll make your car far from the bank. I'll be in front of the building at 8:15 pm. I want you to be inside 5 minutes after me. I'll tell you the rest at that time. After the robbery, you will come back to your home, like an ordinary man. You'll stay one week there. Then I'll call you. Everything is going to be okay.
- And what if it goes wrong?
- It won't.
- Well, it's okay for me. When will we have the guns?
- I'll pick them tomorrow. I'll hide them in the Park, as usual.
- Perfect.
- Bye man. Never call me. I'll call you.


[I hope you are aware that this will stay on the Internet forever and can be used against you in the future!^^... Anyway, once again, it was not the topic: "someone from the past or the present" was supposed to be a real person!] 


  1. that good I like your article it is very cool

    by grecy

  2. You have some... strange imaginations! Good article!


    1. A lot of people tell me this ! ^^

  3. Your dialogue makes me think of a videogame named "Payday", in which you must hold up banks :)

  4. Why aren't you the boss, instead of a simple thief ? haha

  5. Your article is good, i like it :)


  6. I loved your article ! It is so cool. I perfectly imagine you in this role.


    1. Haha, I'll never do this though!

  7. Nice article!

  8. I think that for your case, the better choice is to play in an action film ;).

  9. You would like to becoming rich ?
    I think this article is original.


  10. I love really much your article ^^ I really imagine you in this role !

  11. It's a very original article, I don't wish you make a stickup but it's a good idea for a scenario. Great article, congrat's

  12. Your article is funny, but I hope for you that this project is not a real prject!^^

    1. oh no no no don't worry for this :p

  13. A bank robbery is still dangerous, but in this context I find it funny!

  14. I know you're a bad person... Don't lie and accept your dark side !!
    ( Don't worry I'm joking :p)

  15. Your article is very original ^^
    I am wary now !!

