Friday 21 March 2014

Stuffed Rabbit, on the bench, with...

If I could sit on a bench or anywhere else with someone from the past or present, I think I would choose one of my friends. 
I know I could want to meet an important person from the past or a famous person that I want to meet but what I really like is spending time with friends, it's really simple and it's something that I can do pretty often but knowing how shy I am I could not speak with someone that I don't really know. 
So it would be a friend and probably a friend that I don't see anymore because we are living in different cities. 
Actually maybe that if I really could do that I would choose another person, maybe a famous person but for now I don't know who. 
It's strange to have to imagine a conversation between a friend and I because we could talk about anything and it would be a very simple conversation but I am going to try to imagine an interesting conversation. 

So here is the dialogue :

– Hi ! How are you ?
Fine, what about you ? Fine as well. I'm so glad you came, I missed you.
– Me too, and you are lucky, I chose to see you.
– Yes, why did you choose me by the way ? You could have chosen a better person.
– I guess I just want a friend to have fun with, I don't need anyone else.
– You don't wish to meet another person ?
–  I don't know, I would rather stay with a friend.
–  Ok, by the way what is your biggest wish ?
– For now I think I just want to pass my exams and later I would love to travel in the whole world.
– Great, travelling is cool.
– Yes but for now I'm a little bit stressed because of the exams that are coming.
– I understand but I'm sure there won't be any problems.
– I hope.
– What about school ? Do you have problems ?
– Not really, I have pretty good marks even if I might be a little too lazy with the homework sometimes. What about you ?
I'm fine at school too.
– Good. Nothing else to say ?
– I don't think so.
–  Fine.

                                                      Stuffed rabbit


  1. Your article is nice :)


  2. I found the ending of your dialogue a bit cold for a friendly discussion ! :p
    Otherwise I'm thinking the same thing as you, I don't need to speak to a famous person, I prefer simple talks with friends (even if there are some people that I'd looooooove to meet .. !)

    1. I agree with you about the end of discussion Nomika ^^


    2. I agree with you Nomika ending with a "fine" it's not really enjoyed ^^

  3. I like your article. I have the same vision about friendship ;)


  4. Your article is nice Stuffed Rabbit, but in my opinion you're a bit hard with yourself: "you could have chosen a better person" ^^

  5. your article make me cold but I like it. the exams coming soon I wish you good luck and take care...

    by grecy

  6. The end of this discussion is cold ^^

  7. Me too, I can admit that I'm a little bit stressed because of my exams... ;)

  8. I hope your conversation is longer in the real life!


  9. Nice article! the image with the tree is nice too especially the tree

  10. I'm sorry but this looks quite formal for a friendly chat ...

    1. I understand, to be honest I just didn't know what to say

      Stuffed rabbit

  11. Simple article! but don't stress about exams, simply revise and "poof" it's succeeded!

    1. Yes I don't stress anymore now that I really know how it's gonna be like :)
      Stuffed rabbit

    2. 'Poof' looks like a good idea to me ^^

  12. I agree to tell that the end are a little bit weird, but if it's your vision on the friendship why not ^^

