Sunday 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day (today in the U.K)

SKETCH | Get Your Own Park Bench

Cam and the singer...

If I could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone, it would be, I think, with Amy Winehouse because she's an icon for music.

- Hi, girl!! (Amy appears)
- Wow! Amy Winehouse!!! My name is Cam.
- Good! Am I your favourite singer?
- Yeah, I love your voice, but I'm sad because you are dead.
- Yeah, drugs got the better of me.

- Why didn't you talk about your problems?
- You know I had an important media pressure, I didn't want people to talk about me, I tried to hide things and be beautiful for all events.

- You are right, we couldn't understand everything that was going on...
- Yes, I know but I'm sad to have lived such a big and hellish fall into drugs.
- This last image of you certainly was very gloomy...

- Yes, but I'm proud to have given a smile to people with my music.
- Yes, you are right!
- Oh! My hour has passed to I have to go. Good bye, Cam. Take care.
- You too Amy.

[Maybe she should have gone...]

Saturday 29 March 2014

Jacquees and Michael...

If I could talk with somebody of the past, I would choose Mickael Jackson.
Why him ?
 I don't know, but he's a very important artist in music and I know that our conversation would be good.

I would tell him that lots of musical artists are inspired by him, like Chris Brown, Usher and they try to make dance steps created by him as the Moonwalk, but for that he remains the boss of pop dance. 

Howewer, I would say to him that without him, music is not the same ( he knows it ), because today lyrics are senseless, lots of vulgarity, no lyrical search ... 

He would laugh, and he would answer me that he remains in our hearts, and that he's not really dead....

                                                    To be continued...

Bench - Lazy Mode Comics Animated

Friday 28 March 2014

PonPonPon and...PonPonPon!

Hello everybody !

        It's PonPonPon and I'm going to talk about the person I would like to chat with during one hour on a bench. At the beginning it was very hard for me to find this person, many possibilities were on my mind.

- I had thought about George R. R. Martin to know the end of A song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)
- Afterwards, there were all the important persons for me who are dead, for example my Grand-pa.
(- And many other people, dead or alive, like Mandela, Obama, Putine etc...)

Finally I have chosen...

Myself !

I can hear you saying “Oh he is pretentious !”.
It's not that, I want to meet my hidden face. So let the mask fall!

 What is my real default ?

– Our real default is... (I'll not say it^^)

– What is my better quality ?

– We are... (I'll not say it either^^)

 Why am I angry ?

– Because you think that this world is unfair, sold and we want to revolt.

– Why...

        I think you have understood, I want to meet my hidden face to understand a lot of things. We often show our best qualities and we hide our worst defaults but we often forget that in darkness, there is always brightness.

 I hope you enjoyed my article !

See you soon :p - Park Bench

Thursday 27 March 2014

Michael J. King and the King of Pop, on a bench...

The memories of Mickael.J-King...

If I could sit on this bench, I think that I would spend one hour to speak with somebody extraordinary, a man who will remain a legend but I shall want to chat with him without knowing whom it is really... you're go to understand.

Let's imagine that I speak with this person who is world famous but that I do not know because I'm young. I had a walk  near the sea...

- Me : "Hi, may I sit down next to you sir ?"

- The man : "Yes of course, you are young, how old are you ?"

- Me : "I'm 10 years old and my name's Harry. And you, what's your name ?"

- The man : "You don't know me ?"

- Me : "No, I don't recognize you, but why do you wear a hat, is it to hide yourself  ?"

- The man : "Because I'm famous, people recognize me and I make something that  everybody likes :  music !"

- Me : "Nevertheless I listen to a lot of music and I have never encountered you !"

- Him : "But what kind of music do you listen to?"

- Me : "I listen to rap music like 50 Cent, you know 50 Cent  ?"

- Him : "Yeah, It's my friend, he made a duet with me, he's a great artist !"

- Me : " What ? 50 Cent is your friend ? What's the name of the featuring ? "

- Him: "The music is called Monster and I'm very proud of this duet"

- Me : "Because you make some music,  may I see how you sing ? I 'll listen to you" 

(He sang for a few minutes and I have to say that his voice impressed me)

- Me : "Wow, you've got a beautiful and original voice, you make albums ?"

- Him : "I sell millions of them !!"

- Me : "It is thus for that you wear a hat, you're a star! Your gloves are beautiful, where did you buy them ?" 

- Him : "They are unique, like you and I You know, I don't often have the opportunity to discuss with people who don't know me and I believe that I like it!".

[...] He continued  to tell me his life for long minutes and he was very interested in my life, this person was the real thing.

- Me : "I shall go to see all the same your sounds on YouTube, you seem me to be a cool artist"

- Him : "If your parents were there they would say that I am an living legend but I'm going to have to leave. I've had great pleasure to meet you, you're a kind person and I like speaking to people who speak to me not only for what I am. Remain as you are and because we shall never meet each other again certainly , I'll say  goodbye"

- Me : "Wait, stay on this bench, I 'll fetch my parents to present you..."

Unfortunately, when I returned to the bench with my parents, he was not  there anymore. 

But he had forgotten one of his silvery gloves and my parents said that it belonged to the "King of Pop" but I did not know him...

A few years later, I learnt that I had spoken to Mickael Jackson,that's  the truth, but nobody believed  me, obviously, that's why it will remain a unique moment and that I shall always be the first fan of the King of Pop !


 [They spoke to him too!]

Park Bench - Money

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Teddy Bear and Paperplane on a bench...

Teddy bear is calling Paperplane to know what she is doing :

- Hey Paperplane, what's up ?

Hey Teddy Bear? I'm making some tea, I'm doing nothing much. And you ?

- Oh ok, nothing special as well: I was thinking of you because the weather is really good today.
- Yes it's very sunny
- Yes, this is why I want us to go to the beach, if that's ok.
- Yes it is, I will go around your house in 15 minutes.
- It's ok: I'm waiting, see you, bye
- Bye.

( on the beach) 

- Oh look at the sea! It's really clear and blue ! Very beautiful today. 

- Yes Teddy Bear, but you know, we live  2 kms from the sea, so you can see it every day, it's not really amazing. 

- Yes I know but today it is really blue so it is amazing ! 

- Yeah, anyway. 

- Yes, oh, look at the bench, we can sit on. 

- Yes up to you. 

- Ok go on then 

- Oh it's a very beautiful view here! 

- Oh yes really, it's wonderful as well as what I feel currently. 

- What do you mean? 

- I've noticed something about my " friend ", for me, they were very honest but finally, not really. 

- Oh you know, there is not a lot of " true persons " actually. 

- Yes I know, but they disappointed me, really, but I think it's a good thing. 

- Why do you think that, you don't feel bad? 

- No I'm feeling good because I've grown up and I know that there are 2 or 3 " true persons " around me.

The Bench 1967 Skamejka Lev Atamanov Rosalia Zelma

Tuesday 25 March 2014

YayaTamTam on a bench with... Bernabear!

- Oh Margaux I’m so happy to be here with you!

-Me too! Are you okay today?

-Of course, I’m here, with you, in front of this beautiful beach, what else?

- Nespresso? 

- Ahahahahah… so shut up darling…

-In short, is it okay with your boyfriend?

-Sometimes yes, sometimes no… but I think it’s the same in all couple. 

-Yes, I agree! You must be positive!

-And you? 

-Everything is perfect with him! I love him so much, he loves me so much too. I think nothing could separate us.

-I’m happy for you, really.
- Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, I hope you could feel it in your life.

-I hope too. In short, have you chosen what you want to do next year?

-Yes, like this year. And you?

-Me too, but I don’t know what I could do after the Bac... I’m so afraid when I think about it.

-Oh yes! They ask us very soon what we want to do in our life. It’s a very important and hard question. When you are 17 it’s difficult to make a choice for all your life… It stresses me out!

- I totally agree with you! But it’s cool it’s mean that we will be in the same class again! 

-Oh yes it’s so good!  Do you remember when you saw our names on the list at the start of the school year? When we saw we are together? With Theo? Do you remember the big hug that we made? It’s a great memory!

 -Yes! And the supervisor made fun of us and said “What will it be when you have your exam!”

- Ahah yes, it was funny!

- And do you remember when we met? When we were 8?

-Oh yes. I left Paris, and I arrived in school and I didn’t have friends. 

-And Lea and I came to speak to you and after that we became friends. 

-It was easier when we were young…

- Yes, and we’re not adult yet! Imagine when we’ll must leave home, find a job, find a man to create a family, pay taxes… 

- For the moment I think we’re in the best passage of our life. It’s the beginning of the liberty, the beginning of experiences, of mistakes, of decisions, but we stay with parents who love us and help us. 

- I agree with you…

- Let’s be brief! Are you still okay to go to the “Printemps de Bourges” together?

- Of course! And with the team too!

- That goes without saying. I’ll go to two concerts and you?

- To three! 

- Oh my mother wasn’t okay I’ll go to the three. But it’s better than nothing!

- Absolutely! Anyhow it’s two big parties! You could come sleep at home when you want.

- That’s what I had already thought.

- As usual that’s what you had predicted. You know my home is like your home.

- I know and it’s the same for mine! That’s why you enter in, and you don’t knock at the door! Ahah it’s funny I like it so much it’s like we live together, between friends!

- It would be the dream! Imagine if we could live together in a little and cosy apartment. One room for you to sleep in, one room for me, and one “secret room” ahah do you understand what I mean, no? 

- Oh a “green room”? Ahah I understand very well! 

- We’re crazy and I love it!

-We’re not crazy, we’re young, honey!

Mr. Bean The Park Bench

Monday 24 March 2014

KikOriki : 1 - The Bench!

Boldman and the actress, on a bench...

If I could sit on a bench and talk one hour with the person of my choice it would definitely be Emma Watson.

Maybe one hour won't be enough to seduce her but the idea to spend one hour with this charming goddess makes me feel so happy!

I heard that my French accent could help me, that english women would find it "sexy", so yes maybe I have my chances!!!

It could be difficult all the same, she certainly already has many demands and i'm not so good at flirting at all.

Whatever, I'll try my luck .

Emma, I'm coming, my love!

Sunday 23 March 2014

A Park Bench

Oton Tik and his friend...

Terry was my first best friend when I was younger, I considered Terry as the brother that I've never had.

Unfortunately we lost contact with each other, that's why I imagine this conversation with him on a bench. (Joe was my nickname)

Sitting on a bench, when suddenly.. :

Terry: Eh the black guy next to me?

Me: Are you talking about m... Oh my God Terry! Is it really you !?

Terry: Hey Joe, It's been ages !

Me: Indeed, it's been more than 10 years! I'm so happy to see you, so how are you? Tell me about your life ! I have so many questions!

Terry: Haha, I'm fine! Eh calm down Joe.

Me: What are you doing? I talk about your studies.

Terry: I've chosen to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector because I wanted to make a difference in society... I'm joking, I stopped school.

Me: You have not changed, still the same funny man!

Terry: So, tell me about you? I can see that you've grown up!

Me: I'm not the stupid kid that you used to know. I am a literature student and I practice dance and play music.

Terry: I am impressed, show me how you move your body!

Me: Not here..
Terry: Don't be shy, come on! 

Me: Let's talk about you before! Where do you live now?

Terry: I live in Switzerland my mum found an excellent job, so we moved somewhere else. I was lucky, I found a girlfriend who helps me.

Me: Congratulation, I'm happy for you.
But tell me, how did you find me here?

Terry: A long story.. I took the train to Paris, but unfortunately the train had problems and it stopped in Bourges and guess what !

Me: Tell me?

Terry: I met up your mother!

Me: Incredible, what happened then?

Terry: Then, she said to me where I could find you!

Me: Amazing, I can't believe that !

Terry: My train to Paris will leave in 30 minutes, can I get your phone number?

Me: Of course 06... Maybe we can take a coffee? The bench is uncomfortable.

Terry: Why not, you'll tell me all these incredible things I missed.

Me: I have been so busy with my studies so I have not had the time to do incredible things as you said!

Terry: I know that you have interesting things to tell me! Come on dude.

Me: I'll try! How is Switzerland? Give me every single details. We have the time to make up for the lost time !"

They enter the coffee shop...

Saturday 22 March 2014

Norman Bench scene


Paperplane's article...

The view from the bench where I was sitting was wonderfull, a bright sunset was reflecting on the peaceful sea. 

I was starting to light up a cigarette when someone just settled right next to me on the bench.

"I thought you had gone for ever, where have you been ?" she said.

"Oh... I was just traveling around, I wanted to see new places." I said.

She then took my hand and held it tight , and looked at me with a worried look. 

" Why did you not let me know then? No one knew where you were... I am so happy you came back though." she stated.

" You know , I was actually looking for something, that's why I left the town. I wanted to live the life I used to imagine when I was younger. But do you know what? It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I even met a guy over there, at first we were having fun together... and quick the spark disappeared" I said with some disappointment.
'Well, I got it. Remember the time  you kept on saying to me that fantasy love is better than living love, I think it's the same with life. I mean you can't always get what you want, you can't control anything or anyone neither ! she said. 

"So is that it?... Life, Love? This is what it looks like? what an idiot I am. I should have known that love was only found in books, films or poems."

She then got up and asked me to come with her and said to me true friendship is worth it. 
We then started to walk on the beach to the infinity.


Friday 21 March 2014

JFK (4/7) Movie CLIP - A Meeting with X (1991) HD

Stuffed Rabbit, on the bench, with...

If I could sit on a bench or anywhere else with someone from the past or present, I think I would choose one of my friends. 
I know I could want to meet an important person from the past or a famous person that I want to meet but what I really like is spending time with friends, it's really simple and it's something that I can do pretty often but knowing how shy I am I could not speak with someone that I don't really know. 
So it would be a friend and probably a friend that I don't see anymore because we are living in different cities. 
Actually maybe that if I really could do that I would choose another person, maybe a famous person but for now I don't know who. 
It's strange to have to imagine a conversation between a friend and I because we could talk about anything and it would be a very simple conversation but I am going to try to imagine an interesting conversation. 

So here is the dialogue :

– Hi ! How are you ?
Fine, what about you ? Fine as well. I'm so glad you came, I missed you.
– Me too, and you are lucky, I chose to see you.
– Yes, why did you choose me by the way ? You could have chosen a better person.
– I guess I just want a friend to have fun with, I don't need anyone else.
– You don't wish to meet another person ?
–  I don't know, I would rather stay with a friend.
–  Ok, by the way what is your biggest wish ?
– For now I think I just want to pass my exams and later I would love to travel in the whole world.
– Great, travelling is cool.
– Yes but for now I'm a little bit stressed because of the exams that are coming.
– I understand but I'm sure there won't be any problems.
– I hope.
– What about school ? Do you have problems ?
– Not really, I have pretty good marks even if I might be a little too lazy with the homework sometimes. What about you ?
I'm fine at school too.
– Good. Nothing else to say ?
– I don't think so.
–  Fine.

                                                      Stuffed rabbit

Thursday 20 March 2014

Grapefruit and her grandmother...

If I could sit on this bench and chat with a person I like, it would be my grand-mother. Her death was in 1998. Since I was born, I spent only 1 year with her. 

- Hi Grandma ! How are you ? 

- Hi Grapefruit ! Fine and you ?

- Fine. I'm happy to speak with you. I have many things to know about your son, my father, I hope ! 

- Oh yes I can give you some mistakes and bullshits of your father when he was young ! 

- I'm listening to you.

- To begin with, when he was 15 years old, he often lied to me . He told me that in the parties, he didn't drink alcohol with his friends. He drove the car while he had drunk. I was furious because he smelled of alcohol and he told me the opposite...

- It was dangerous to drive when having drunk !

- I know but your father was irresponsible... He changed when he had a car accident with my mother next to him. He would have been able to kill her. Since that day, he has been careful.

- I hope because I take the car with him sometimes ! Did he have good marks at school ? 

- Oh yes, at school he was a brilliant student until he was 15. He didn't like school and spent his time  going out with his friends... He was intelligent, too bad that he stopped learning !

- I understand, school becomes boring with time...

- I know I know. 

- Granny, I would have liked knowing you, as my brother I think, it's too bad that you left us. 

- I would have liked too. Never forget that I love you even if I'm not in your life. You will always be my grandchildren ♥.


Finding Neverland- Bench scene


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Kiwi and chicken: an interesting mix!

The teacher asked us: “If you could sit on this bench and chat for 1 hour with anyone from the past or present who would it be.. ?  Imagine the dialogue(s)... “

If you could sit on a bench for an hour with someone... who would it be?
That's a good question. I didn't know what to answer, what to think about it. I had no idea at all. The total nothingness.
So I imagined someone in my family history, but I found it not very joyful. Then I decided to tap my research in what I like. "I love chicken" This is when that came to the idea of ​​choosing Colonel Sanders ! Who ? You knew, the one on the KFC logo. He's the one who created a fast food restaurant named KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) .

This company has known a real success for his fried chicken.

(ok , joke!)

I would asked to him:
“Why there haven't KFC here in Bourges ? It is too much to ask ?
- You know my daughter, I'll tell you one thing. I'm the one who created this fastfood. I went through many obstacles and gained experiences throughout my life. But I ended up taking the dust. I was already dead when you came into the world. Moreover, I am not responsible for that.
- But you can't interfere here ?
- What do you want me to do ?  I'm still here on this bench, talking to you because I am the person you chose to talk for an hour. Indeed, the view is not too bad here !
- I don’t know. Perhaps you might tried to reincarnate in a big fried chicken and you will revolt yourself around the streets of the city ! If it is not already done…
- Of course to finish crushed and in a deep fryer, what an idea ! I have never heard it before ! “
*An image came to my mind*
“I never think of it…”

Maybe it’s because of this image that there are not KFC in Bourges… 
But I don’t care, I still like chicken !
However I did my research! Look at this, we can see a big hole without KFC logo !

In short, we would liked to talk to long of my discontent. But be aware that the teacher gave us only 1 hour. I would have asked him to give me his secret recipes including fried chicken to more fully develop my competence in the kitchen, of course if he wants to ..
But it doesn't matter, because my mom can cook it as well !

Yes I like chicken ! Chicken is
 Don’t you agree ?

(Sorry If this article is weird [oh yes, it is!!!!], but I didn't know who to choose, and I didn't want to choose someone from my private live !)

Kiwi ~

Manhattan - Bridge and Bench Scene


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Bernabear would sit on the bench with an accomplice...

If I could sit on this bench and talk to anyone for one hour, I think it would be a beginner raider (thief)(and of course, I would be the boss).

 I know it's not common.  But It has always been a "dream" to control a robbery. So that would be our dialogue , on this bench.

- You're late.
- I know. I had to take an unexpected way. It won't happen again.
- I hope so. For you. So, do you have the map?
- Yes. But that's the old one. I heard someone talk about that. But I didn't have time to find the other one.
- Mmh. I think it will be okay. It doesn't seem so old. I guess it will be easy. This bank doesn't look large.
- You're crazy! A bank is a bank. It's always hard to burgle a bank!
- Shut up, you're just a beginner! If you do what I tell you to do, everything will be okay. If you do what pass through your head, it won't be my problem anymore.
- So what is the plan? I am ready to do it.
- You will have to be there at 8 pm. You'll make your car far from the bank. I'll be in front of the building at 8:15 pm. I want you to be inside 5 minutes after me. I'll tell you the rest at that time. After the robbery, you will come back to your home, like an ordinary man. You'll stay one week there. Then I'll call you. Everything is going to be okay.
- And what if it goes wrong?
- It won't.
- Well, it's okay for me. When will we have the guns?
- I'll pick them tomorrow. I'll hide them in the Park, as usual.
- Perfect.
- Bye man. Never call me. I'll call you.


[I hope you are aware that this will stay on the Internet forever and can be used against you in the future!^^... Anyway, once again, it was not the topic: "someone from the past or the present" was supposed to be a real person!]