Thursday 30 May 2013

What a story!

The Extra English Class 1st Years are proud to present:

"What a story!"

Thank you very very much, Mr. Martin, for shooting this for us.

Our impressions: 

Wolfgang: "It was nice to be part of the shooting and fun to play a rap singer!"

Tsitsa: " It was funny. "

SweetLisa: "It was amazing! The atmosphere was happy but we were really focused on our work and without it being serious it was nevertheless studious".

All: "It was very convenient to have a professional cameraman [thank you Mr Martin for your invaluable help!] as it made things easier: no technical problems, everything went smoothly".

Nomika: "I think it was funny too and different from what we usually do: it was original."

Bobbie: "It was an interesting way to practice English differently. it was funny when we stammered and didn't remember our text!!! [see the compilation after the film]. It was pleasant to work together as a group , with conviviality."

K-Za: " There was a good atmosphere and we laughed a lot."

Rider: "I loved playing Bernie because I really think there's something of me in this character! ^^"

YMCMB: "That was an incredible experience! "

Amazilena: "It was interesting to work together and to see the talent of some of us! Like SweetLisa and YMCMB".

Imnotyou: "It was fun! I enjoyed playing Mrs Teaspoon! She's a fun character!"

Somethingintheway: "I liked the costumes! Mrs Teaspoon's and Bernie's. It was fun to watch them play".

Folt: "Mrs T. and Bernie were very funny."


  1. It makes so good!:D thank you everybody!

  2. Thank you all the extra english class 1st years for the good moments we spent on this film's production ! :D

  3. We've made very good job guy ! Thanks to everyone, thanks particular to Mrs P and Mr Martin, i'm so proud of our job ! We're the best !
    Little thought to Bernie and Mrs Teaspoon! ;)
    And i finish this comment with the best replica of this film : AAAAAAAAAAAAH OH MY GOD :')

  4. A beautiful end for our year of extra-english ! Thank you everybody ;).

  5. This was realy great. Im so jealous, i want to do this to, this year. Hopefully it would turn out as great as this. =)

  6. It is a super video, the characters are playing very good ! They are better than the actors on The Rocky Horror Show !!
    By Lala.

  7. It's a funny story ! :)


  8. I love this video !

  9. I explose the touch " replay " ! LOL
    Xoxo lala
