Friday 17 May 2013

And eventually: Fafa's article!

I'm going to present you a film. It's one of my favorite: The Woman in Black.

First of all the film takes place in a strange village. A Young solicitor, Arthur Kipps came to this village to sell a house after the death of the woman who lived in it a few months ago.
But when he arrived the inhabitants were not really happy to see a new person in their village.
During the film, some strange events happened: Young children commited suicide, three girls jumped out the Windows, a girl burnt herself...
 And Arthur is afraid for his son because he will come in the village.
As the story unfolds, we see that the house Arthur has to sell is a weird place, with strange noises and events going on.
Doors open, children die in the woods, a child reappears, and he's the son of the woman in black...
Finally, we learn that the woman in black is responsable for the children's death, because when a child is dying, we can see next tothem this woman.
I'm not going to explain you the end of the film because I think it's a very good film if you like suspense.
I really liked this film because there is a beautiful story even if it's tragic.
I like the atmosphere of it.
We are waiting for something but the action is when you are not expecting it.


  1. A few weeks ago I wanted to watch this movie because it seems good, but I read the " synopsis " on wikipedia and the end was written .. It's nice to know almost the entire movie when you didn't see it ! But I will watch it anyway, one day ! :)

  2. You have written the end, it's a pity :/
    But this movie looks good, everone is crazy !

  3. I never saw this movie but now that I know there is Daniel Radcliffe I want to see it !

  4. it's like the Village of the Damned but in quite a different genre... (I don't watched the movie yet)


  5. when will this movie came out?

