Thursday 23 May 2013

Imnotyou lives here...

In the great town named Herry, a place where you can have fun.

In an incredible country landscape with fields and..... that's all, there's my house.

It's an incredible place with cool things even in the yard like a tree, grass, little stones and a fence.

To come in you have to go through 2 tests, the first one happens at your arrival.

Two big Burmese Mountain dogs will be on your way to reach the door.
 Two options are up to you, stroke them until they get tired or they don't appreciate you and will bite you.

If you succeed to reach the door, the second test.

How to open it? You have to pull it a little and pull up and down the lock softly.

Inside there are kitchen, living room and stuffs like that.

Some of them are still in building but you can play with the tools that are fun!
If you’re hungry you can prepare a roasted chicken with potatoes. For that, you have to go out in the coop and try to catch a chicken. Now you get it, take a knife and cut its throat (be careful with the blood).

Take it back home and pluck it and empty its hoses. Turn on the oven and prepare the potatoes. Go out and pick some potatoes and peal them. Put them in the dish with the chicken and put in the oven.

Wait and eat it. If you want to rest go in the sofa because there's no free room and more, we don't know who you are.

So in the living room you can admire the wall or turn on the TV. During your sleep, spiders will go down on the walls and maybe crawl on your face.
Don't be afraid or they'll bite you.
The morning, you have to get up early because the bus stop is at 11km from here and go only the morning and the evening and go out the fastest you can, because I think you won't spend another here.

Come with your friend and family! What an incredible day you will have !


  1. Plus, I love dogs, and your home seems very good, and I like very well chicken, and potatoes !


    1. I think after your coming, you'll have a different view of it! especially what's concerning potatoes and chicken!

  2. I'm sure I'm able to succeed your tests ! :p


  3. Yes , I will come ! Do you pay me a coffee ? ;D

  4. You haven't got much neighbours, it's cool for make a party !


  5. your article looks like a recipe !

  6. I'm sure I'm able to pass your tests too, because I'm the best of course.
