Thursday 4 October 2012

What I like, by Bobbie

The first article from the new team will be Bobbie's one:
Something that I like? Well, I don't know where to start!
I like many things like horse-ridding, cinema and reading... in French or in English of course!
Oh! I can talk about reading because I love reading, particulary in English.
It's one of my hobbies. In fact I think that literature is more rewarding in English than in French because this one is my maternal language so I learn more words and expressions in English.
And it also helps me to understand much better in English.
When you read in English, you feel the things really differently.
Even if I haven't got a literary culture really developed, I'd like to increase reading more.
I've already read differents books in English like a few Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Ear-rings from Frankfurt, Love or money and others...
For myself, I prefer reading books in english when I've already read them in french.

And you, what do you think about reading in english?



  1. Bobbie told me to come see this blog, her article is quite interesting but I can't read in english it's too difficult

  2. No it's not, Bobbie's friend, you must be perseverent!

  3. Bobbie told me to come see this blog too. For myself I've already read a little plays and I've liked it but I'd like read more.
    Bobbie, I find your article really interresting!


  4. I like cinema too. What is your favorite movie ?

  5. I haven't got a favorite movie especially because I like many movies.. and you? What is your favorite movie Anna?


  6. Actually this blog is really cool! Thanks Bobbie for having recommended it to me!
    I totally agree with what you said in this article especially when you said that it's more rewarding to read in english. Personally, I don't read novels but I like to read newspaper in english. You know like Vocable or London Evening Standard (an english newspaper). If I can give you an advice, you should watch movies in english too. Not only you'll learn a lot of vocabulary and be confronted to the english/american accent, but you'll also appreciate more the movie (when there's a stand-in, you totally miss the feelings and the emotions). Keep on writing articles, I love them!

    See you! xx

  7. Good idea to read and watch movies in english, It's a good way to get a better level in english

  8. Bobbie, my favourite movie is The Wizard Of Oz. I know this is a little bit childish, but this film is very interessant for its special effect (the movie released in 1939). I like François Truffaut, Oliver Stone and Gus Van Sant too.
    What are your favourite actors/actresses ?

    1. Oh Anna: you're the first modern pupil to admit finding the Wizard of Oz interesting!!!
      This makes my day!
      Have you noticed the corridors in our High school? Well, those next to room 121?
      They look lioke a yellow brick road and, interestingly enough, at the back of the corridor there is an emerald door!^^

  9. Esh, i have read your article (yes i can read a mininum in english).

    I think it's cool but it's a long work to arrive. (A very very long time for me. *.* )

    Too english is bad for the wealth!
    (It's a joke Mrs.P don't hit me)

  10. Oh! I remember Anna you told me that you like this film and you advised me to wach it, I wached it but I don't like it because it's a bit a strange movie..
    well I like french actors like Jean Reno, Gérard Depardieu.. and american actors like Daniel Craig, Denis Quaid, Pierce Brosnan...


  11. Mrs P., I noticed that the doors were yellow and green, but I didn't compare with The Wizard Of Oz. I'm happy to learn that I'm not "alone" to like this movie. I think this is the first "fantasy" film with Metropolis.
    Bobbie, I'm remember you tell me you didn't like this movie, I respect your opinion. I agree some people think it is strange. But Judy Garland-the mother of Liza Minnelli (Cabaret, 1972)- and the song Somewhere Over The Rainbow have been discoved by this movie. This is a very important film in the story of cinema.
    Or else, if you like Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, I think you like James Bond isn't it ?

  12. I'd like to read some books in English, but not very complex .. I don't know where I can find it but there are surely English books in several shops !

    Bobbie or anyone else, if you want to advise me some books in English, you can ! :)

    1. There are books in English in the school library and the mediatheque!

    2. And now there are newz English books for us :)

  13. Aw, I forgot to say that I'm Nomika ..

  14. and I forgot François Cluzet he's one of my french favourite actor and "Ne le dis a personne" one of my favourite film !
    yes Anna you're right: the song somewhere over the rainbow come from this movie and I like this song!
    yes I like James Bond, don't you?


  15. well Nomika, as I said in the new article of Mrs P. I have two little books in english: Love or money and ear ring from Frankfut so if you want I can bring them to you ;)


  16. Mrs Papy, I hope you enjoyed trip to Italy and I just got the adventures of Tom Sawyer so I bring it to you on monday.


  17. Yes, thank you! The weather was very nice!
    For the book, we'll check what I told you about: if it's a censored edition or not...

  18. so it was good :)
    yes no problem.


  19. I don't really like James Bond, but I understand many people love James Bond's movies. I love long and "boring" (for people) movies, like psychological movies where there is a big message and no one saw it.

    1. Why don't you? well have you got a reason or not?
      can you give me a title of a psychological movie?


    2. I don't have any reasons, I don't really like action film, but it depend the concept.

      Try to watch "Funny Games" by Michael Haneke, but don't watch it alone, it's a little bit hard and violent, and this is a psychological film.

    3. Well,if you don't like action films it's comprehensive.

      okay thanks I'll try to watch it ;)


    4. Hey girls! I was reading Anna's comments, I can't believe you saw Funny games! I really don't understand the message in this movie.. It's obviously psychological but those guys are psychopaths, aren't they? By the way I totally agree, Bobbie, do not watch this movie alone!

    5. Okay I'll see it with you is it okay for you? ;)


    6. Sorry, it's not :) I won't see this movie once again ;)
      By the way, I want to thank you, for having recomanded this blog to me!

  20. I don't read the books in English, because I don'r read books in French ^^

    1. you should read books ! ;)


  21. Your blog is very fun, bobbie told about this, and I think it is a good thing to do that with your class. Good project !
    Read book in inglish is good because the translat is not always very good, it is also the same for the movies and the series. Kisses bye

  22. Hey guys :) I'm Bobbie's sister, she told me to come see this blog. And I really love this one! I agree with you. I am in montana for few mounths and I realise that it's really important watch english movies and read in english. You can progress more easily.
    Bye bye!

  23. I'd like to thanks Bobbie who told me to come and see this blog. It's completly different to watch series or movies in french than in english. In english there is a charm different.

  24. Hello, I'm in Bobbie's class. I read shorts stories in english, but I don't read novels. What kind of stories do you read ?

    1. Hello Mélanie I read shorts stories too and a few famous stories like Harry Potter and Twilight ;)


  25. Bobbie told me to go to this site and write a comment. I am her sister-in-law from the States. I love reading in English. My favorite book is Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. I am happy to hear that Bobbie loves to read in English! I hope she will continue reading in the future since it will improve her writing as well!

    1. Don't worry I'll continue reading in the future! ;)


    2. Hi Bobbie's sister-in-law! I've heard about you (and the wedding, and the song... Bobbie made me listen to a recording of her singing the song to check her pronunciation!!!)
      Thanks to you she's even more motivated!
      Anna Karenina is one of my favourite books as well: I cried when... ok, I can't spoil it for everyone so let's say, I cried at the end!!! Will you go and see the upcoming movie?
      Come back to our blog, we would be pleased to have you agfain.

  26. Hi bobbie. As your brother iam very proud of your progress in english and also your interest in books, reading is not my favorite activity but every body finds his passion. Love from the big apple.

    1. Thank you brother :)


    2. Welcome to this blog, Bobbie's brother! I've heard a lot about you and it's nice you're encouraging your sister . The fact that you live in a foreign country is a good incentive for her to learn English and improve (she's already quite good!).
      Hope you'll come back to the blog soon!

    3. Hey Bobbie !!! Thank you for having recommended me this blog. I don't really like read in english I prefer watch movies in english!

  27. Hi, I'm one of Bobbie's friends! :) She told me to come on this blog so here I am. I agree with you Bobbie, read in English is a very interesting way to enrich your vocabulary and your English expression in general even if you already have a good one! ;) As for me I read books about scientific subjects, I love to learn new things in this way. Like I know you do English literature, I recommend you Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and also Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, I read some extracts of these books and I saw the films, furthermore to be great classics these two stories are just wonderful and very touching. I hope you will like them too if it tempts you! Good luck;


  28. Hello everybody! Bobbie told me to come see this blog, so I'm here and I red her article about read in english.. well I don't really like read in english, in fact, I tried once but it wasn't easy, so it wasn't a good experience for me

  29. Hello I'm a friend of Bobbie, she gives me a link to read her article.
    I don't speak english very well but I try to improve it. I think reading is an interesting way but I prefer oral english, so I try to listening BBC news or others websites but it's difficult to understand every words. How to pronounce english words is important!
    However, in my opinion, read books or articles is the better thing to do to learn new vocabulary.


    1. Thanks for coming Thibaut ! :)
      It's nice to try to improve it. Yes it's important!


  30. I come on this blog as Bobbie told me, and I haven't any regrets, her article is really interesting even if for my part I'm not good in english, but I understand a little. In my opinion, read in english is cool but I think it really needs to be good in english. But it's true that's more useful in english than in french!

  31. i'm bobbie's friend she told me to come on this blog i really like her article :)
