Thursday 11 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Holysnail

I remember that day. It was a peaceful and quiet Tuesday.
I was sitting on my chair, during the english class, a warm ray of sunlight on my sleepy face.
Birds were twittering and people were happy. My heart rate was constant :

and I was innocently listening to my sweet and lovable teacher, Mrs P., wondering why god was making my life so beautiful.
Guess I shouldn't have wondered so much.
At the paroxysm of my euphoria, Mrs P. suddenly said:
"Okay my dear students, I want you to write an article to tell us about your
plans for the future"

"OH GOD. Who likes to tell his plans for life? Everyone, okay. But not me.
I even don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow after school, and you want me to tell you what I'm going to do after school ????

In 10 years ?? Don't make fun of me!"

This is what I would have said 3 years ago.
I remember that time... the anxiety, the feeling of nonsense reaching me every single time someone asked me "what do you want to do after highschool ?"
I also remember these same people trying to find my vocation: "Oh so what do you like ? Maths ? History ? Blahblahblah?"

I was completely lost.

But now it's ok. I don't know how, but step by step, I've approximatively found what I want to do with my life.

First, after highschool, I want to study in  an English departement. I don't know If I'll become either a teacher, or a translator or an interpreter, or a cashier in the supermarket.
I don't have an accurate idea of what profession I'll have. But what I'll be, will be what I've decided to be. (Well, I hope so).
The goal of my life isn't fame or money. (Well, if I have them, I won't complain that much I guess. But this is not what I'm
looking for, and I truely believe that I will not find hapiness in these ways).
I'd like to travel.
All over the world ?
Nah. In my opinion, if you travel all over the world during the very short time that is our life, you will miss the interest of travelling in other countries.
So, we'll see the opportunities I'll get in the future to travel, and I'll square it with my tastes and interests I'll have.

Ok, so now you know. Now It's midnight. Now I'm planning to look awake for my cousin's wedding, which start at 7am.



  1. SWEET and LOVABLE! Yes, that's me!!!!

    1. Of course miss !!

      (By the way, I can't cash the cheque because of some issues with my bank. Can you please pay in cash? Thanks in advance.)

      $ Holysnail $

    2. I should have known!!!^^

  2. Sweet and lovable, you could have use other words Holysnail !

    1. Amazing and wonderful ?



    2. Hahaha ! That is all I have to say .

  3. I disagree with Jules: I think Holysnail was very careful and wise in her choice of adjectives!^^

  4. Oh god !! Birds have twitter ? lolilol!
    If you wanna travel, you just have to marry a business man ;)
    Good luck for your plans!

    The masked snail

    1. Of course. We call the rising generation of these birds the "hip-birds".
      And the hip of the hip-birds also have a facebook (a kind of birds elite...)


  5. Scratch a Bingo !

  6. I agree, Jules! "sweet & lovable" ? Frankly? I laughed, ah ah.
    (don't take it the wrong way, mrs Papy!)

  7. I agree with Jules n Agie, it's little bit exaggerated ,no ? Even if our teacher is great hum.

  8. OH GOD. It seems that my article contains this sentence only. -_-'

    Hello, anyone finds my PLANS interesting ?

    See Mrs P, what I have to bear ! They are such bad students. Such bad students... They all deserve such a bad mark...*


    *For the serious-people: I'm kidding only, don't take me wrong. ^^
