Monday 8 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Ghost Wolf

For the futur I want to enter in Rochefort, it's a school for officers.
I want to become a rifleman commandos in air army them I'll try to become a paratrooper. 
It is not for the patriotism it's for the defence of lowest and valor as democracy and equality.
Maybe after the army I want to integrate a corporation of mercenary like "blue water", is an organisation of mercenaries who is present in Afghanistan or Irak. 
That's original Wolfie, but this article is definitely too short!!!! 
Mrs P. (your commander in chief for this school year!)


  1. Moulakkkk

    The next years will be boring without you. Good luck in the army friend. :)

  2. You are very ambitious ! But we dont know what is made tomorrow.. Only the good God know thaht.

  3. hey :)
    I think that you must enjoy your plans for the future than school ;)
    good luck :) !!!
    - Destiny -
