Friday 19 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Cockatoo.

My plans for the future
After the bac, I would like to study english and chinese because I love those languages.
 Furthermore, I'd love to travel in the world for meeting other people and discover other customs.
Later, I would like work as a translater because I love reading so I think it could be interesting for me.
I hope to study in Paris.
For the moment, I don't want any children and get married because I want to be free.
More over, I would like to live in another country like Canada, England or India, I love the anglo- saxon countries.
I hope to make many journeys and maybe travel the world with my friends or alone.


  1. I like what you think about travel in the world can learn to us a lot id things like customs ect. And to meet people from different countries is really a chance. I agree with you.
    I enjoy a lot your article !

    1. Thanks! :) Have you ever travel in the world? If you ever been an another country, which country? Cockatoo

  2. India huh... Yeah, just go there, and you'll get an accent just as amazing as mine.

    Travelling alone ? Isn't it dangerous for a cockatoo ? :O
    I suggest you to travel with me, cause a Holysnail and a Cockatoo make the invincible dream team! YAY.


    1. I love your accent! It's so funny! xD Yeah I want to travel with you to laughing a lot and understand the indians :) Cockatoo

  3. I love your article , because I love travel too and I hope that you can become a translater because it is a very beautiful job I think. Good luck ! :)


  4. Chose Canada for your travel and your living! it's just wonderful, but I never gone there! It's one of my dream.


  5. Traveling is really good for many things; for learn more about diferent culture, languages, for learn to be independant...
    I hope you'll travel in the world!


  6. It was a verry interesting subject

  7. Good idea of job! But the chinese is very an difficult! Good Luck! -Catus
