Sunday 14 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Guigz18

As a high school student I don't really know what I want to do later, but I have some ideas.
 I was thinking of getting scientific studies when I was young but I was too low so I headed towards an economic sector but it wasn't my cup of tea either.
 Now I'm in my element, in literary, I feel good.
The literary sector is specialized in some arts but also in some languages this is why English is my speciality.
 If my level is very good to go in a faculty of language, then I will consider it but I have to work hard for it.
Last year, I wanted to become a steward but when I saw that made you have varix and you're always in travel which means that you have virtually no social life, I chased this idea from my head but tourism still interest me.
 If I fail in these studies I think do rights studies to maybe become an auctioneer.
All I hope, is to find a work that I'll like and which makes me earn a lot of money to enjoy life.


  1. Who doesn't want to earn a lot of money and enjoy life?^^

  2. You can also enjoy life without winning a lot of money, but shore it helps .

  3. OHMYGOD. I tought I was unique. Well, yes I am.
    But, actually we have done the same crazy "career".
    And I have also gave up the idea of working as a stewart.

    But. I don't want to be a auctioneer.

    You actually can read my article below, and LEAVE A COMMENT, dear multi-sector friend.


  4. I wish you the succes.

  5. Thanks for ur commentaries friends, Holysnail I will check it, be calm !
