Wednesday 17 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Agie

Actually, my plans for the future are not yet so clear. I've got an idea
about what I want to study but I don't know at all which kind of job I want to do later.
For the next year, I already have two plans. Either I move in Lyon to study foreign languages, or
I find a school abroad in which I could improve my English too.
I've ever been in Germany for a 6 months and that's why I would like to go to New-Zealand,
to Grand-Britain or to the USA. As you could understand, I want to learn more or improve my linguistic knowledge.
Obviously I would appreciate to learn new foreign languages like spanish why not.
I'm really interested in it and I think speaking different languages becomes an advantage
more and more important and looked-for.
Naturally, I know that with only languages, I wouldn't go so far that's why I want to specialize.
"In what" is always and still a good question. I'm not really sure but publicity, communication, international
trade could be really interesting.
So now it's up to me. I've got to think about it again and again. And let's see what I'll decide!


  1. I wish you the best and I think you will decide the best for you ;) and you're really good in foreign language ;)
    - Destiny -

  2. Agie, your article is great. Don't worry, i like it very much.
    And keep thinking


  3. I'm sure you will choose the best ;)
    all the best :) - Destiny -

  4. how cute is that! Thank you so much.

  5. travelling is a very good opportunity to think of your future studies.

