Saturday 20 October 2012

What I like, by SweetLisa

I love hanging with my friends, listening to music.
I’m always watching American series; my favorite is Grey’s Anatomy: every time I’m watching an episode, I cry… Even if I know all the citations by heart!

 I’m  also crazy about weddings; this is why I’d like to become wedding planner…
Seeing the smiley faces of the brides when they see their perfect wedding must be the best gift for a wedding planner.
I love to organize and decorate whatever I find.
 In my room I’ve a file with about twenty five pages of little photos of wedding dresses, rings, shoes, necklace etc… 
My favorite dresses brand is “Demetrios”; their dresses are wonderful:

…every girl must feel like a princess in those dresses and it actually is one of the reasons why I want to become a wedding planner; I’d like to give every girl one day when they could be a princess and dream about anything.

Friday 19 October 2012

What I like, by WolfGang

My passions and hobbies

Out of school , I have many activities . When I'm at home , I spend all my time surfing on the web , to discover new clothing site or blogs about fashion , music and art . I love it !

I think sometimes I 'm like a little fashion victim , I am always looking for all new stuff in fashion .
Later I would like to create a t-shirt brand , I'd like . It would be amazing !

Otherwise , I'm a big partygoer , I go out every week-end .
It's nice to have a drink occasionally with friends.
With moderation, Wolfgang.
And can I order a T-shirt? I'm really interested!
Mrs P.

My plans for the future, by Cockatoo.

My plans for the future
After the bac, I would like to study english and chinese because I love those languages.
 Furthermore, I'd love to travel in the world for meeting other people and discover other customs.
Later, I would like work as a translater because I love reading so I think it could be interesting for me.
I hope to study in Paris.
For the moment, I don't want any children and get married because I want to be free.
More over, I would like to live in another country like Canada, England or India, I love the anglo- saxon countries.
I hope to make many journeys and maybe travel the world with my friends or alone.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Fafa

My plans for the future by Fafa.

 My future plans is to be a Spanish teacher or a translator. I love Spanish because for me when you speak Spanish is like a song.

        One day I would like to go in Spain for learning the culture of Spain. It's a sort of dream.

        I want to be a Spanish teacher because I want to teach Spanish for pupils who wants to learn somethings interesting about Spain.

My plans for the future, by Agie

Actually, my plans for the future are not yet so clear. I've got an idea
about what I want to study but I don't know at all which kind of job I want to do later.
For the next year, I already have two plans. Either I move in Lyon to study foreign languages, or
I find a school abroad in which I could improve my English too.
I've ever been in Germany for a 6 months and that's why I would like to go to New-Zealand,
to Grand-Britain or to the USA. As you could understand, I want to learn more or improve my linguistic knowledge.
Obviously I would appreciate to learn new foreign languages like spanish why not.
I'm really interested in it and I think speaking different languages becomes an advantage
more and more important and looked-for.
Naturally, I know that with only languages, I wouldn't go so far that's why I want to specialize.
"In what" is always and still a good question. I'm not really sure but publicity, communication, international
trade could be really interesting.
So now it's up to me. I've got to think about it again and again. And let's see what I'll decide!

My plans for the future, by Jade

I don't really have much plans for my future.
I would like to work as translator, journalist, guide in museum or teacher why not, but I'm not really sure yet.
 I want to have a job that permit me to travel.
I really like the United States but I've never been there before.
I wish I will travel there one day and, if it's possible, live and work in the United States.
 For my studies, I want to go to Tours, in François Rabelais university because it's not very far from home and they make language studies that I'm interested in.

What I like, by Amazilena

So... If you want yo know who I am, you must learn what I like. Since I was a child, I've been crazy about photography. Indeed, I think in a photo there's a lot of feelings everybody can analyse their own way.
I work with a photograph and we try to get an interesting result.
When I'm in front of the camera, I become somebody different.
I can be what I like and show my personality.
Here is one of my photos:

You can enjoy it, or not, but the interest is to find what I thought at the second he shot me and what image I tried to convey.
For me, the head in the water means ignorance .
At that moment, I decided to show that I'm conscious of a lot of things in the world, that I'm here and when I put my head off the water,  I could hear the noise of secrets, see wonderful but also ugly things.

Now, it's your turn to tell me what you feel when you look at that, and what you think about my work as a photographer and model.

Monday 15 October 2012

And don't forget...

There are books (mainly novels) in English in the school library

and it's free!
Non exhaustive list: The Harry Potter series; The Twilight saga; Jane Austen's novels ...
And you can suggest books too!

Sunday 14 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Lil

Hello , I'm back .

Now I'm  in "Terminale", the last year before the "baccalauréat".
This school year is very important for my plans for the future .
It's why I want to share it with you .
Last year I wanted to be an officer of St Cyr but I realized after some research that it would be impossible .
Not because the entering competition is difficult but because flat feet are refused.
During the summer holiday I was watching a TV channel called "Planete+ Justice " and I found it very interesting .

Therefore, my plans for the future are to be accepted in a law school (preferably in Clermont-Ferrand)

And you ,what are your plans for the future

What I like, by GooGoo

Karate is a Japanese martial art. With Karate we learn the self control and defend ourselves.
Karate is practiced in two complementary parts: kata (fight against an imaginary partner)
and kumite (fight against a true partner).
Kata is like a choregraphy with fighting technics: this allows to have balance, strength control and concentration.
Kumite is a true confrontation against a partner. The fighter who wins the more points is the winner.
Personaly, I've been practising Karate for 10 years. I'm black belt 1st Dan and I practice Kumite's competitions to National Level or Open (= no qualifications and international).
Last season, I did a lot of podium:
1st Department Championship
1st League Championship
1st League Cup
1st League Cup
5th France Championship
3rd France cup Handset Kata/Kumite
2nd National Open of Orleans
2nd France Cup North zone
1st National Open semi-contact interdisciplinary (all the fighting sports combined).
1st national Cup semi-contact
I must try to do the same results this year...or better!
My advice is: don't mess with Googoo! Mrs P.

My plans for the future, by Guigz18

As a high school student I don't really know what I want to do later, but I have some ideas.
 I was thinking of getting scientific studies when I was young but I was too low so I headed towards an economic sector but it wasn't my cup of tea either.
 Now I'm in my element, in literary, I feel good.
The literary sector is specialized in some arts but also in some languages this is why English is my speciality.
 If my level is very good to go in a faculty of language, then I will consider it but I have to work hard for it.
Last year, I wanted to become a steward but when I saw that made you have varix and you're always in travel which means that you have virtually no social life, I chased this idea from my head but tourism still interest me.
 If I fail in these studies I think do rights studies to maybe become an auctioneer.
All I hope, is to find a work that I'll like and which makes me earn a lot of money to enjoy life.

Saturday 13 October 2012

What I like, by Rider

If I had to say my passion , it would doubtless horse riding .

I've been practicing horse riding for eleven years.

Today , it became vital for me in my life, it's a part of my happiness , and helps me to bloom !

The complicity between a rider and his horse is very precious.

The horse becomes our friend , a reliable person , and when you give your confidence , it's as

if there is just him and you .

It's a very inteligent animal and very beautiful !

Without forgetting , in this domain ,it's necessary to have a lot of patience and this one leads to the success !

Friday 12 October 2012

What I like, by Blackman

My name is L. , I live in Bourges. I’m 17years old. In my life , I’m found of Football and religious information. I 've been playing football since 2003.

Me in action.

In this picture , this is me at the match against St Amand  September 8, 2012.
We won  2-1. I played number 6.
In the middle of ground.
When I play football , I feel free and that my feets  are talking with the ball.

Abou Diaby

This man , is one of  my favorite players because he plays  the same post and I like what he does when he is playing football.
He is also one of the best players in his club : Arsenal.
But he is fragile and he is always hurt.

My favorite  football team is the best in the world now and probably for a long time : F.C BARCELONE.
When they play they are like extra terrestrials because they deprive the team opposite to touch the ball.
 And they have the best player of all times : Lionel Messi.
Thank you L. for this interesting article: it's nice to see you play!  Mrs P.

Thursday 11 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Holysnail

I remember that day. It was a peaceful and quiet Tuesday.
I was sitting on my chair, during the english class, a warm ray of sunlight on my sleepy face.
Birds were twittering and people were happy. My heart rate was constant :

and I was innocently listening to my sweet and lovable teacher, Mrs P., wondering why god was making my life so beautiful.
Guess I shouldn't have wondered so much.
At the paroxysm of my euphoria, Mrs P. suddenly said:
"Okay my dear students, I want you to write an article to tell us about your
plans for the future"

"OH GOD. Who likes to tell his plans for life? Everyone, okay. But not me.
I even don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow after school, and you want me to tell you what I'm going to do after school ????

In 10 years ?? Don't make fun of me!"

This is what I would have said 3 years ago.
I remember that time... the anxiety, the feeling of nonsense reaching me every single time someone asked me "what do you want to do after highschool ?"
I also remember these same people trying to find my vocation: "Oh so what do you like ? Maths ? History ? Blahblahblah?"

I was completely lost.

But now it's ok. I don't know how, but step by step, I've approximatively found what I want to do with my life.

First, after highschool, I want to study in  an English departement. I don't know If I'll become either a teacher, or a translator or an interpreter, or a cashier in the supermarket.
I don't have an accurate idea of what profession I'll have. But what I'll be, will be what I've decided to be. (Well, I hope so).
The goal of my life isn't fame or money. (Well, if I have them, I won't complain that much I guess. But this is not what I'm
looking for, and I truely believe that I will not find hapiness in these ways).
I'd like to travel.
All over the world ?
Nah. In my opinion, if you travel all over the world during the very short time that is our life, you will miss the interest of travelling in other countries.
So, we'll see the opportunities I'll get in the future to travel, and I'll square it with my tastes and interests I'll have.

Ok, so now you know. Now It's midnight. Now I'm planning to look awake for my cousin's wedding, which start at 7am.


Playing the guitar, by Somethingintheway.

I have many hobbies but one of my favourite hobbies is playing the guitar.

Even if I'm just beginning the guitar, it's very nice to play.
With my guitar, week-ends are very short.
They are so short that I forget to do my homework.
So , I recommend playing the guitar!

And I recommend playing the guitar AND doing your homework!^^

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Onche-Onche

First, i would like have the baccalaureate.
 It's Capital for my future. If i've this qualification. I'm going in the faculty of Law for four or five years to have the DESS or the « "Maitrise" afterwards, we have a entrance examination to the C.R.F.P.A for two years.
Then, It must pass the C.A.P.A (Certificate in the Profession of Lawyer) for two years in a school of Bar.
In this shcool, I would make two internships for six-month .
When the C.A.P.A will be in my pocket, It's a last statue to become Lawyer.
Finally I should register in the Bar (A Professional order of Lawyer) to become trainee for two years in a Law Firm.
And I will be Lawyer.
The studies are very long (Mininum seven years, and ten years with a specialities), but the game is worth the candle.
Being lawyer, i can do a politic too.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

I like rugby, by K-Za

Rugby was born in the country of the North of England who's name was "rugby".

I play rugby in Déols; and I've been playing rugby for 6 years. We are playing on team of seven girls, but we are not enough so we are with Bourges ("Bourges XXV") who's name is regroupment 36-18. We always have a rugby challenge as October 7th we are going to Dammarie.

I practice rugby every night (Monday to Thursday) from five o'clock to seven in a CREPS (after school).
 I love rugby because it's one sport of team, it's one battle sport and I like that.

In rugby, I prefer to tackle because that allows me to evacuate the stress about the week, and to expend my energy (and can romp), and above all to take pleasure.

My favourite teams are "Stade Français" and "Olympic Biarritz".

My favourite players are Lionel Nallet (who was a man of shadow), Morgan Parra ( he's very beautiful) and François Trinh-duc.


You said he was beautiful so I thought we may as well have a photo to look at!
Mrs P.

Monday 8 October 2012

My plans for the future, by Ghost Wolf

For the futur I want to enter in Rochefort, it's a school for officers.
I want to become a rifleman commandos in air army them I'll try to become a paratrooper. 
It is not for the patriotism it's for the defence of lowest and valor as democracy and equality.
Maybe after the army I want to integrate a corporation of mercenary like "blue water", is an organisation of mercenaries who is present in Afghanistan or Irak. 
That's original Wolfie, but this article is definitely too short!!!! 
Mrs P. (your commander in chief for this school year!)

Sunday 7 October 2012

They're still here, the "old team"! Plus a few new interesting additions to the world famous group that presented you "Almost back to the future"!
And it's their plans for the future they will present in a few days...

Dear reader, please remember that to post a comment you MUST choose ANONYMOUS as a status...and of course, if we want to know your name, you must write it after your comment!

See you soon,

Mrs P.

Thursday 4 October 2012

What I like, by Bobbie

The first article from the new team will be Bobbie's one:
Something that I like? Well, I don't know where to start!
I like many things like horse-ridding, cinema and reading... in French or in English of course!
Oh! I can talk about reading because I love reading, particulary in English.
It's one of my hobbies. In fact I think that literature is more rewarding in English than in French because this one is my maternal language so I learn more words and expressions in English.
And it also helps me to understand much better in English.
When you read in English, you feel the things really differently.
Even if I haven't got a literary culture really developed, I'd like to increase reading more.
I've already read differents books in English like a few Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Ear-rings from Frankfurt, Love or money and others...
For myself, I prefer reading books in english when I've already read them in french.

And you, what do you think about reading in english?
