Wednesday 11 February 2015

Spoiler alert: Do not read this if you haven't read The Hunger Games III (This is Primroses's article on Katniss's resolutions)

My name is Katniss Everdeen, I am 17 years old. I was a tribute, then a victor, then a murderer. I hate the Capitol because they stole Peeta, I hate District thirteen because they took Prim away. Prim, she is dead. She can't be dead, I SAVED her. I want my sister.

It is like a game, repetitive but not that easy. It makes my head spin but it helps me to keep what little sanity I have left, sometimes. At first I was sad, angry, but now I am just numb. I can't take it anymore, the pain, the grief, everything is too much. I know what everyone thinks, that I am crazy, just like Annie. And I am. Reality and nightmares merge, everything is the same, I can't really make the difference between when I am asleep and when I am awake. Because it hurts all the time, and when it hurts less, some people only I can see torture me, they take all I have left.

Doctor Aurelius said I should write my resolutions for my new life since it is almost New Year's Eve, but I don't know if I am capable of writing anymore. I will try.

1. I will get my sanity back.
My first logical thought since a long time. I want the voices, the nightmares and the dead people to go away; I want them to leave me alone. Maybe everything is a nightmare and I will wake up in my old house in the Seam, I would not have done the Hunger Games, I would still have Prim. Yes, let's pretend everything is a nightmare.

2. I will want to live.
Without her, I don't want to. I wish all the time I was killed in the 74th Hunger Games. If I had chosen to eat those berries she would be alive; she would have a miserable life, but she would be here. Primrose was the one who always saved me from self-destruction. I don't want to be alone anymore, I can't do this, I want to kill myself only to see her one more time, to make the voices and the nightmares to go away. I want to die. I want my sister back. Please.

3. I will shower.
Pathetic isn't it? I don't even have the will to wash my own ass. I don't care, I don't care about anything. I will never be clean again with all the blood on my hands, so why should I smell clean when I know everything in me is dirty? I want my mother to wash the blood away. I need Peeta to hold me. I can't live without my little sister.

4. I will get out of my head.
The outside world is dreadful, but my own world is so much worst. My self-punishment, being trapped in the world when everyone wants to see me dead. You are a monster, they say, and I believe them, because that's what I am. A monster, a murderer. I killed Prim, I don't want her gone, I want to go to her.

5. I will stop feeling guilty.
I killed them all. Rue, sweet and gentle Rue, tries to kill me every days. I killed Finnick, he will never know about his son. Those hurt people in the hospital back in District 8, they were killed because I was here, I murdered them. My mother left me all alone, she hates me, everyone does. I am some sort of poison, everyone I loved was killed. I am the problem. I am the poison. I killed them. I wish I died. I want her alive. I'm sorry little duck, please come back.

6. I will stop hating everyone.
The Capitol tried to kill me. Gale invented the bombs that killed Prim. District 13 killed Prim. My mother ran away. Peeta doesn't love me anymore, he even wants me dead, like everyone  does. The dead don't feel anymore, but I do. The survivors want to die. I hate them, I hate them all. For not killing me, for saving me, for condemning me to live a life I don't deserve, I don't want. I want to go away and never see them again. My sister understood me. I need my sister.

7. I will be more than a piece in their Games.
Katniss the Hunter, Katniss the "Girl on Fire",  Katniss the Mockingjay, the tribute, the Victor, the Star-Crossed lover. Thank you Peeta, for making me understand, at that time, that I was more than those girls. You would be so ashamed of me Peeta. My boy with the bread, you are gone since a long time, aren't you? I wish I could have said goodbye to the boy who loved me, the one that didn't let me starve to death. I am the shell of who I was, a poor excuse for a human being. We both are, but even with the brainwashing the Capitol gave you, you are still better than me.

8. I will accept Prim's death.
Never. She can't be dead. She was supposed to be well protected. I volunteered as a tribute for her to live. They killed her. I killed her. She was all I had. They took away the only beautiful thing in this world when they killed her. She was murdered by District 13 when she was trying to save some Capitol's children, ironic isn't it? She was on fire, reduced to burning flesh and ashes. I should have saved her, I should have locked her somewhere safe. I wish I would have burnt. I remember when I tried to teach her how to hunt, she tried to heal our meal. She was so innocent, she IS. She will come back. I don't want to live without Prim. I want to see her, to hold her.  Please Prim, take me with you, don't leave me alone in a world where you don't exist anymore.

It has been five years since she made that list. She is alive. I am too. It was long to wake up from the nightmare the Capitol put in my head. But I did it, for her. Sometimes she still  sees things or persons I can't see, and I remember some events that have never happened. But it is alright, because we have each other. We still play at the game she created for me during the war, “Real or Not Real”.

“ Prim is dead, she is never ever coming back again. Real or not real?” She asks sometimes, when it is a bad day.

“Real.” I respond. “You don't want to kill me, you love me. Real or not real?” It is hard for both of us, sometimes I forget she is Katniss, the girl I have loved for my entire life.



  1. Holy *** I think I've read the only sentence that I shouldn't read by scrolling to the bottom... *clapclapme* Now I want to read all this article because it seems to be really interesting even if I just got a big spoil !!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I have never seen Hunger Games but it tempts me to look, it adorned that movies are good ! Great article

  3. I can't read it, I don't want to be spoiled !

  4. I've never read hunger games so I don't really understand! But it's a nice article!


  5. Best article ever.


  6. MickaelJ-King: The books are better than the movies!
    Kiwi: I'm sorry for spoiling!

  7. Well! That is what I call a G-R-E-A-T article!! even if it's "unreal" it touched me so much! I made me want to watch the trilogy once again! One word: congrate!

  8. I am really thrilled by the reactions, thank you.
    I am really touched too by the comments made by Bernabear and Ayifas.


  9. I have seen all the hunger games and you made great resolution! Good job
    Oton tik

  10. Wow your article is soooooooo great ! Congrate! now I want to watch the trilogy again

  11. It was dangerous to write an article with a lot of spoilers because of people who haven't read the books but just watch the movies


    1. Dangerous? Oh yeah, I'm such of an adventurer ;)


    2. At least they are fixed (like me) haha.

    3. Ahah again I am so sorry Kiwi!


  12. Wooaah very long article and very interesting!!

    1. Thanks :) But the worst is that I reduced it !

