Wednesday 11 February 2015

Carter and Henry...

  For the new article, we must speak about the New Years resolutions of a fictional character of our choice.

 I chose a person who really existed, but the series is based on his life, so it's all the same.
The series is called The Tudors and it is about Henry VIII, king of England.

In my article, Henry speaks with Charles Brandon, the duke of Suffolk, who is really close to the king. They speak about the resolutions for the New Year.

- The New Year is close Charles, isn't it ?
- That's true your Majesty.
- Every year, I say to my my people to be more believers and some other things that a king must say. But, I never think of mine.
- Your what Majesty ?
- My resolutions, Charles !
- You are the king of England sir, so you can do what you want.
- Of course, but isn't it  the king's role to show to everybody the good way ?
- Yes your Majesty.
- What are your resolutions, Charles ?
- Maybe to continue to be a good and loyal person for your Majesty, to continue to serve you.
- And forget all the women ?
- Yes Majesty, I'm married so …
- I am too ! Tell me Charles, what do you think my resolutions must be ?
- Sir you'r a really good King but don't you think you must be more close to our queen ?
- That's an idea …
- You are a bit cruel too …
- Why ?
- You always think of war sometimes against France, sometimes against Italy.
- Maybe you are right, I'm going to tell those resolutions to my people.

I'm not sure but maybe Charles is right, stop the women, stop the war, I'm a new king !

-  Ah !
Sir ?!
 That was just a dream ! Brandon didn't say that to me !

Must I call someone our Majesty ?
No, leave  my bedroom ; I don't need you !
– Yes sir !
I prefer to stay like I am ! I'm king of England, the resolutions are for next year !



  1. The resolutions are ALWAYS for next year ^^
    I know this serie, it is really good, very well made ! Good article

  2. I don't know this series. Your article is funny!

  3. I never watched that show but your article made me want to :)

    Stuffed rabbit

  4. I love the Tudors !! Your article is very well !

    1. I know that you love it ^^

  5. That was great :)


  6. Nice article my friend !


  7. You made me discover something new, thanks
    Oton tik

  8. My former history teacher told me about this series but I never watch it, good article !

  9. Tudors seems to be a really great series !

