Saturday 7 February 2015


Hey everybody! What's up??? 
We have to choose a fictional character and imagine his new year's resolutions. So the one I choose is Reese, from the TV series Malcolm in the middle. Enjoy the story!

For 2 years now, Reese used to go to his favourite meeting  every Thursday. Here he found Miss Lucy and the others to talk about their fears, their wishes, their ambitions, their addictions, and anything else. 

Today is the 5th January, so it's the first meeting of the year. 
Reese has decided to share his new years resolutions with the others.

"Hi guys. So first of all, happy new year! Last monday, I was watching TV in the living room with my brothers Malcolm and Dewey, drinking some Coca.
 I suddenly felt tired so I fell asleep. 
When I woke up, I was in our bedroom's cupboard, with some tape on my mouth. My hand was attached and I realized I was completly taped on the wall! 
These idiots had put some sleeping pills in my glass to trap me! You won't ever guess how many days I stayed there... 3 days!!! 
So I had time to think. And became a better person. 
I took resolutions for this new year, and I am proud to tell them to you today. 
The first one is the one I want to suceed the most. From now on my friends, I'll be nice, yes I say N-I-C-E with my mum. 
We make her crazy day by day, poor her. 
I also want to be nicer with my brothers, but not too much. And I thought about being nicer with girls too, but I'm still thinking about it. 

So when I say I'll be kind with my mother, I also mean to stop making foolishness with Malcolm. 

I'm sure he will influence me to annoy her but I'll refuse. 

And finally, I realized school is important. 

I decided to work more now, I want to pass my exams. 
I feel weird, it's like I'm another person. But I like this feeling ! Right! You know everything. Thank you for listening."

No one talked for 1 minute. They were all a bit shocked. Miss Lucy finally replied:

"Wow. I'm glad Reese. I'm happy to hear you say that. I hope you will really do it. You actually look different, it scares me somehow. But that's good. Let's celebrate it!"


  1. I really enjoyed "Malcolm in the middle" when I was younger, and your article!


  2. The picture is funny ! It's a mythical serie ! On the other hand, it's necessary to look at this serie in English because in French the translation is bad ! Mickael.J-King

    1. I didn't know that! I'll try to watch in English on internet!

    2. I AGREE !

  3. I really enjoy your article !

  4. My favorite character! He makes me laugh so hard, thanks for these funny resolutions
    Oton Tik

  5. For me Malcolm is a strange serie... I like to watch one or two episodes in a month but that's all. I think that it's quite stupid ^^

  6. Malcolm in the middle was one of my favorite series when I was young

