Tuesday 3 February 2015

Honey and Sheldon Cooper's resolutions...

Hello human beings. I wish you a happy New Year ! I hope you enjoyed your end-of-year celebrations, and if not, I don't care .

So let's talk about me ! I will speak about my New year's resolutions.

I think I don't need any list of this kind, but my friend Leonard told me that it could be a good thing. For the first time, I will listen to him. It's like a test.

It could be a good think to try to make a list, as if I needed to change anything (ahahahahahah no). It could be funny so I'm trying.

So first, I think that perhaps I could stop to say 3 times in a row the name of the person when I knock on  the door. For me it's normal but Penny has  had enough.


Secondly, maybe I could share my seat on the sofa. I think it's usual to have this own seat but apparently it's not, for the average citizen.

Thirdly, maybe I could make an effort to show interest for my girlfriend Amy. But understand, I have to remind her that I am the scientist, I am the most intelligent. That's just a fact.

Next, It could be a good idea to stop my scientific jokes. I don't understand why everybody doesn't laugh ?! Maybe it's not funny for everybody… or they don't have the good brain.

Then, maybe I'm sometimes a little bit pig-headed. My friends say that. They're wrong. But I could pretend I'm not obstinate.

To finish, I'm a little bit excessive about sickness, bugs and contamination. Maybe I could TRY to change this habit. I don't swear I will manage it.

When I showed my resolutions to Howard he told me :  and the girls ? You forgot resolutions about women ! And  sex ? You forgot it too ! 

NO ! This disgusting and dirty act is not for me. And for the girls, I have Amy.

I think that's not bad in itself.

So I think I made a good work. I don't really understand how it could be useful for me, but like I am a smart, clever, nice, funny, hard-working and good man; I did it !

Have a good day !

Sheldon Cooper


  1. I had a good laugh with that one Honey :)


  2. Ahah me too :p thank you so much :)

  3. You're welcome.


  4. Your article is good and I found it funny

    Stuffed rabbit

  5. Wow funny article ! His face makes me laugh !

  6. The Otontik's article was better ! ( we are not in competition you'll say Mrs.papy and I know) ! I'm joking, you talked about things that I didn't quote ! Nice article for a copy...:D
    Oton tik

  7. The big bang theory is one of the series that make me laugh the more


  8. i love big bang theory it s one of my favorite series and sheldon is my favorite character
