Saturday 28 February 2015

Soon, a new series about Advice on High School years...

 ...from the soon to be former 2nd years!

Game! game! game!

This time, a riddle:

What always runs, but never walks,
often murmurs, never talks,
has a bed, but never sleeps,
has a mouth, but never eats?

And the answer, my dear friends, must be written in the comments...

Friday 27 February 2015

The game has been won by...

She understood the joke about Mr Posters (William , or Bill ) being innocent of posting bills on the wall... sort of!

But do not have any regrets: a new game (a riddle this time) is coming tomorrow!

Be ready!

I don't see anyone playing last week's game!


 And the new game is coming soon!

Friday 20 February 2015

What a fun day!!!!

Do you have photos you want to share???? I know there's one of the statue and Daffy Duck a.k.a The Crocodile! Can we see them?

Thursday 19 February 2015

Daffy Duck imagined many characters' New Year's resolutions....

Superman: For my New Year's resolutions, I'm gonna buy a pair of pants to hide my knickers.

Colonel Kratek:(Killzone Mercenary) For my new year's resolution, I'll confess my love for Admiral Alex Grey .

Admiral Alex Grey: I am afraid, I don't want him to turn me down... but it's decided! I'll admit my love for him...Dear Colonel Krateck.
Tris : (Divergent/Insurgent)

 For my New Year's resolutions, I'll stop being capricious and i'll chose a faction!

Sinclair:(Killzone Shadow Fall)

I always worry about luca when he goes on a mission... For my New Year's resolutions, perhaps should I stop to send him to the most dangerous situations!

The Joker: (The Dark Knight)

 I think I should stop borrowing my wife's make up!

Smeagol: (The Lord Of The Rings)

It's a new year and our resolution is to undergo therapy against our schizophrenia!

Robin: (Batman)

I think that everyone is right: my costume sucks! I'll change it this year...

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Paperplane's character from outer space's new year's resolutions....

Oi bunch of nobs, just to say that... I'm stone drunk.

YES, I stole a huge box of Chardonnay bottle in that crappy restaurant at the end of the street... Well... I feel so bad, like throwing up.


I am a wasteman, spending my time watching trash TV and eating junk food. I feel so fat!

I can't even dress up anymore!

Oooch.... I think I'm in depression.

They told me it was because of all the drugs I was taking when I was in rehab.

THEY'RE PRICKS!!! THEY JUST DIDN'T GIVE ME ENOUGH DRUGS! [which are bad for your health and shouldn't be taken! Mrs P.]

I'm thinking of going back to my planet, that's only because of humans that I'm like that!!!

Francine told me I was self centered and amoral....

But I know she is mean with me just  because I disemboweled her cat last year (I had eaten a bag of cocaine, that was the only solution otherwise the drug traffickers I'm working with would have cut my balls).


***character sobbing***

I will change, I will stop wasting my life...

Oh, I forgot: that was Roger the alien.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

If you're happy and you know it... what should you do?

Are your costumes ready for Friday?????

Mine is!^^

Somethingintheway and Master Yoda's resolutions (reading this article you must!)

      Hey everybody !!!! it's Somethingintheway!
This time the subject of my article is «  the new year's resolution of a fictional character », given that I'm watching  Star wars  episodes I choose to pick a character in this universe and the one I chose is Yoda.


I know that he doesn't look like it but this little green alien is a jedi master, he knows many things , he is a symbol for the Jedi but , he doesn't know how to talk ,  so for this new year he has decided to learn how to talk cause it's a shame for a jedi master and it could be dangerous sometimes when you give orders.

This resolution can only had good effects on the daily life , the orders will be more clear and useful in case of dangerous situations where you have to be quick and understandable (and the others won't do a mistake by your fault)

The others will consider him more seriously , maybe that if he had taken this resolution earlier Dooku would have obeyed  him and he wouldn't have joined the dark side and Dooku would have made them win the war.

I hope you enjoyed my article see you soon .


Monday 16 February 2015

It's an interesting point of view!

Rimoush's article on Jasmine's New Year's resolutions.

Hello my love, It's me Jasmine and I need  to talk to you. 

For this new year I want a lot of things including changing my way of seeing things. 
I would also like us to spend more time together and take a trip. 
For this I am ready to invest myself fully and take time to enjoy my time with you.

I completely agree with you, but you wake up every year it's the same with me. You promise to spend more time with me but in the end we do not see each other often. In addition you must pass this year then this will be your test.

It's extremely difficult to stay together. 

It is on this year and last line and I can not afford to have the head elsewhere even though I miss you a lot and I really want to be with you all the time and in addition too  my carpet has helped move this year then I have more work and I was very concentrated.

 I'm sorry it's not against you, but I also know how things in perspective it is clear, but I hope that nobody will come across your path and I wish you the best of succeeding and above all never forget that I love you and I believe in you.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Kiwi and Eyeore's resolutions...

Is Eeyore, the grey (or blue) donkey happy ?...

Yes ??? 
Come on guys look at his face:

Everyone knows that this poor stuffed donkey is constantly in depression. 
The fact is, depression makes you feel worthless and alone. 
Besides  being depressive, he is pessimistic
and gloomy. 

His first resolution of this new year is to be more confident

There will be many obstacles in our life. We shouldn’t be scared about it, it will make us stronger. We must persevere no matter what ! Then Eeyore don’t be sad if you lose your detachable tail with a pink bow on the end, your friend Christopher will always be able to reattach the tail with a drawing pin !

Afterward, to be more joyful! (At least smile)

Sometimes we might  be sad for no reason. We say we aren’t sad but we really are. 
Then people hide their sadness like a paper bag over their head. It’s true that the smile is the best way to hide it. 
Don’t forget that we are not alone, talk to someone we trust, it could solace our heart. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re sad to cry.
Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can't explain the pain you feel. 
Anyway, it can also help you to train your mind to see the good in every situation !

But in the end, are these resolutions necessary to Eeyore ? One awesome thing about Eeyore is that even though he is basically clinically depressed, he still gets invited to participate in adventures and shenanigans with all of his friends. 

And they never expect him to pretend to feel happy, they just love him anyway, and they never leave him behind or ask him to change.

Keep smiling !

NB : #Staywhoyouare

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Carter and Henry...

  For the new article, we must speak about the New Years resolutions of a fictional character of our choice.

 I chose a person who really existed, but the series is based on his life, so it's all the same.
The series is called The Tudors and it is about Henry VIII, king of England.

In my article, Henry speaks with Charles Brandon, the duke of Suffolk, who is really close to the king. They speak about the resolutions for the New Year.

- The New Year is close Charles, isn't it ?
- That's true your Majesty.
- Every year, I say to my my people to be more believers and some other things that a king must say. But, I never think of mine.
- Your what Majesty ?
- My resolutions, Charles !
- You are the king of England sir, so you can do what you want.
- Of course, but isn't it  the king's role to show to everybody the good way ?
- Yes your Majesty.
- What are your resolutions, Charles ?
- Maybe to continue to be a good and loyal person for your Majesty, to continue to serve you.
- And forget all the women ?
- Yes Majesty, I'm married so …
- I am too ! Tell me Charles, what do you think my resolutions must be ?
- Sir you'r a really good King but don't you think you must be more close to our queen ?
- That's an idea …
- You are a bit cruel too …
- Why ?
- You always think of war sometimes against France, sometimes against Italy.
- Maybe you are right, I'm going to tell those resolutions to my people.

I'm not sure but maybe Charles is right, stop the women, stop the war, I'm a new king !

-  Ah !
Sir ?!
 That was just a dream ! Brandon didn't say that to me !

Must I call someone our Majesty ?
No, leave  my bedroom ; I don't need you !
– Yes sir !
I prefer to stay like I am ! I'm king of England, the resolutions are for next year !
