Sunday 16 December 2012

The lie of X-Mas, by Googoo


            That was the 24th December, I was about seven years old. My parents obliged me and my brother and sisters to go to sleep at 11 p.m to let  Santa Claus do his work.
They said that if we didn't sleep during passage, we wouldn't have gifts !
My big sister, Céline, about 12 years old, was calm facing these threats.
When we were all in our bedroom, Céline asked us to come in my bedroom and wait...
Pretending to sleep...
Later, Céline looked through my windows and said "Look ! There are daddy and mom ! They've got our presents !"
We were shocked ! It was our Parents who let our presents at the front of the Christmas tree...
It was the worst Christmas of my childhood...!

Based on a true story.

So if Celine (the dream breaker!) could see your parents outside, where were the presents hidden? Not under the bed, obviously! Mrs P.


  1. I'm also wondering where the presents were hidden !


  2. oh it's sad
    I remember when I learned that Santa Claus didn't exist , it was my brother who told me. Then he scared ​​me so this was good news

  3. presents were in the garage !
    It's a good place to hid things I think !

  4. Ohhhh... Grand brothers and sisters are cruels ! The most of the time, it's them who enjoy a lot to tell us the truth about this, just to break our dreams and see us cry like babies. LoL

  5. Poor Googoo ...
    Now we know where were the presents ;)


  6. The presents are hidden in the hut, outside, no ? I believe that you've said to me.. ^^
    Celine is not funny :( !

  7. I've forgot to say, i'm Tsitsa !

  8. I would like to break dreams like Celine but my sister and I have leanrt in the same time, so I couldn't do anything.
    Maybe your parents said after the dinner "hey today is the 24th! we forgot presents in the car".

  9. My house is an old farm, the presents where in a shed, and we where too small to reac the presents where they were ! :3


  10. It´s a Time for christmas !! (Doowap )
