Saturday 22 December 2012

It's Tsitsa's turn...

The day I learnt that Santa Claus did not exist, it was when Mrs. Papy said " For monday, you write an article about.. "


No, I'm  joking!    (I hope so. Mrs P.)

If I well remember, it was when I was 6 or 7 years old.
I was with my brother,  2 years older than me, and my cousin, who was 14. When we had to sleep, we spoke about Christmas.

It was at the beginning of December, and the two boys argued that Santa Claus does not exist. I believe only that what I see, and I said “ Prove it. “

Therefore, we got up discreetly, at night, to search the gifts in the apartment. We walked in small steps in the long corridor, I was very excited because I thought we would find Santa Claus, in a closet, with gifts !!!

Our parents were still asleep when we had already looked at many places. I told them that they were liars, when, in the dark, we  touched a big gift's pyramid!!!!

We closed the storeroom's door, and turned on the light.

We saw the gifts, all wrapped up, and we talked about the recipient of each gift.

And that is how I discovered the nonexistence of  Father Chritsmas.
Since, I pretend to believe in Santa Claus every year, for my little brother and sister !


  1. I hope you won't be the one who will tell your brother and sister he doesn't exist !

  2. It's dangerous for your marks to acuse Mrs.P lol. (Even it's a joke)

    1. I accused Mrs.P too but it was a joke too ;)


  3. Always the same thing : brothers or other boys older than us who tell us Santa Claus isn't real !


  4. When I was young, I have never thought to search the presents (maybe because I don't have brother)

    1. It's sad, because it's funny to search the presents


  5. Mrs P, you're so funny ^^
