Thursday 13 December 2012

« The day I learnt Santa Claus did not exist. », by K-Za


I was in CM1 the December month but I don't  remember the day, a boy of my class said that  Santa Claus did not exist, I was upset and angry and the evening I was determined to know the truth even though I was convinced that Santa Claus existed, why did my parents lie to me ?

I asked my mum, crying: “Is it  true Santa Claus doesn’t exist “?
And she answered: “Who said that? Of course, Santa Claus exists !”
Next tomorrow in school, I saw the boy and I told him he was wrong because my parents didn’t lie to me. He answered that presents  are in parent’s room.
The evening, before my parents come in the house, I sought in their room, the presents in wardrobe and under the bed, I was angry about my parents and sad that  Santa Claus doesn’t exist but too happy knowing the truth.
I told my parents that the presents were in their room, under the bed and in the wardrobe, and they began to laugh and they told me, that  Santa Claus don’t exist, its parents but do not say it to your sister, it's one secret between us.



  1. It's so sweet that your parents didn't wanted you to know the sad truth !

  2. Good choice for the pisture Mrs.P :p

    1. I forgot to say that I'm Bobbie. ^^

  3. Ahah! if someone answers he never searched the presents in the whole house before christmas, I would be really impressed!

  4. Hi!
    Agie advised me to come here to have a look at the articles.

    I think that even if you know that Santa Claus doesn't exist, the christmas spirit is the most important and probably the most magical thing!!

    Keep it up.

  5. In the room under the bed... Is that a universal hiding place ?

  6. I think that it is .. I also found the presents in my parents' wardrobe, they should change a little !


  7. Your parents wanted to persuade you up to the end that he existed, it is cute:)! And very beautiful picture ! :D


  8. I find you taked the good photo Mrs.P ! Very funny !
    And for the presents, it not choked me to learned that it was under the bed ! Ahaha.

  9. Haaa... parents with their lies! How many they still hide to us?

  10. Sorry, I know it's late, but better late than never...
    SweetLisa : Yes,we believed beautifully ;)
    Bobbie : When I saw the picture, I laughed, she's really nice thanks Mrs P.
    Agie and Keep it up : And it's always magic to open her presents.
    Goigz 18 : Yes, I think it's the best hiding place, where you hide the presents ?
    Jules : Yes, it's true.
    Nomika : you did the same thing I saw in your article.
    Rider: Thanks at Mrs P. for the picture ;) yes they have tried to the end ...
    Amazilena : Under the bed, because there was no place ^^.
    Imnotyou : Let's say it's a pretty lie !

  11. do you think Chabal it's really santa claus?
