Saturday 29 December 2012

For the first time ever... An article, just like that!

 Destiny offered to present her favourite band :
Girugamesh  is a Japanese visual key rock band, formed in 2003

Formed in 2003 in Chiba, Shuu and Nii had been friends since elementary school, the earliest incarnation of the band made its first performance while the members were still in high school. Girugamesh began playing gigs with their current lineup in 2004, until they were signed to record label Gaina-Japan. Their first single, "Kaisen Sengen" was ranked #10 on the Oricon Indies chart. In 2005, Girugamesh embarked on a nation-wide tour, after which they released their first live DVD.
In 2007, Girugamesh was signed to the European label Gan shin  The band then was part of a 9-band Japanese rock festival in Los Angeles ( California) called "J-Rock Revolution". They were part of the second night alongside Merry, D'espair's Ray, , and Mucc Around the time of J-Rock Revolution, some of the performing bands released material on the iTunes Store, including Girugamesh. On this, Ryo has commented that "if you really like the band after the initial listen, you will buy the original CD."
Girugamesh is composed of:

Nii --> GUITARE 

Shuu --> BASSE (leader)

Яyo --> DRUM , (primary songwritter )

The Discography:

       13'S REBORN  (September 27, 2006)

       GIRUGAMESH (December 26, 2007)

       MUSIC (November 5, 2008)

       NOW (December 16, 2009)

       GO (January 26, 2011)



My favorite band for 5 years now, with catchy rhythms and realistic words that allow me to escape from the real world ...
I wanted to make it known.
Me, from the first musical notes, I fell in love :)

Thank you Destiny for sharing this with us. I've added some videos (the one named Destiny, of course and one with French subtitles, so we can understand the lyrics!)     Mrs P.

Thursday 27 December 2012

By general request (except Rider who almost got sick!): the MincePie recipe!


1) To make the pastry, rub 225g cold, diced butter into 350g plain flour, then mix in100g golden caster sugar and a pinch of salt. Combine the pastry into a ball - don't add liquid - and knead it briefly. The dough will be fairly firm, like shortbread dough. You can use the dough immediately, or chill for later.

2) Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6/fan 180C. Line 18 holes of two 12-hole patty tins, by pressing small walnut-sized balls of pastry into each hole. Spoon 280g mincemeat into the pies.

3) Take slightly smaller balls of pastry than before and pat them out between your hands to make round lids, big enough to cover the pies. Top the pies with their lids, pressing the edges gently together to seal - you don't need to seal them with milk or egg as they will stick on their own. (The pies may now be frozen for up to 1 month).

4) Beat 1 small egg and brush the tops of the pies. Bake for 20 minutes until golden. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then remove to a wire rack. To serve, lightly dust with icing sugar. They will keep for 3 to 4 days in an airtight container.

Ok, I know what you're going to say: what's this Mincemeat involved in the recipe?????

Instant Mincemeat

One cup (250 g)

2/3 cup (90g) coarsely chopped raisins, dark or golden
1/2 cup (60g) chopped candied orange peel
1/4 cup (60ml) brandy, plus more, if necessary
grated zest of one orange (preferably unsprayed)
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons light or dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon (each) ground cinnamon and nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

1. Mix everything together and pack in a jar.
2. Let stand for at least one to three days before using. If the brandy absorbs quickly and the mixture appears dry, add another pour, just enough so the mixture is thoroughly moistened.
3. Add to apple or pear-based fruit fillings prior to baking.

Note: For those avoiding alcohol, try substituting apple cider or juice and a teaspoon of vanilla extract in place of the brandy. If omitting the brandy, this mixture should be refrigerated and used within three or four days. Otherwise it will keep for at least two months.

And why, oh why is it called MinceMeat, if there's no meat in it?

Mincemeat is a mixture of chopped dried fruit, distilled spirits and spices, and sometimes beef suet, beef, or venison.
 Originally, mincemeat always contained meat.
English recipes from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries describe a mixture of meat and fruit used as a pie filling. These early recipes included vinegars and wines, but by the 18th century, distilled spirits, frequently brandy, were being used instead.
The use of spices like clove, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon was common in late medieval and renaissance meat dishes.
The increase of sweetness from added sugars, and those produced from fermentation, made mincemeat less a savoury dinner course and helped to direct its use toward desserts
By the mid-twentieth century the term was also used to describe a similar mixture that does not include meat, but that might include animal fat in the form of suet or butter, but could also substitute solid vegetable fats, making it vegetarian.
Many recipes continue to include suet, venison, minced beef sirloin or minced heart, along with dried fruit, spices, chopped apple, and fresh citrus peel. Zante currants, candied fruits, citron, and brandy, rum, or other liquor.
Mincemeat is aged to deepen flavours, activate the preserving effect of alcohol, which over time changes the overall texture of the mixture by breaking down the meat proteins.
Preserved mincemeat may be stored for up to ten years.

Mincemeat can be produced at home, often using a family recipe that varies by region or ancestry.
Commercial preparations, primarily without meat, packaged in jars, foil lined boxes, or tins are commonly available.

Mincemeat is frequently consumed during the Christmas holiday season when mince pies or mincemeat tarts are served.
In the northeast United States, mincemeat pies are also a traditional part of the Thanksgiving holiday, sometimes served with a piece of Cheddar cheese.

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Of course, the ones I baked for you were alcohol-free and with no animal fat.  Mrs P.


Wednesday 26 December 2012

Remember the Reindeer game?????


He understood there was a pun (jeu de mot):

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer will GO DOWN in history (= will be remembered) and in the cartoon, his grades are getting lower (= he's GOING DOWN in history!)

Apart from that, Rudolph is quite a good pupil!

So, congratulation Guigz18, you'll get your reward when we are back to school!

Today is Boxing Day...

It's a holiday in England. The origin of the name "Boxing Day" is not clear, but it was the day servants were given presents.

Now, a bit like the Black Friday sales that follow Thangsgiving in the US, Boxing Day is a day of sales and shopping!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Scoop: he DOES exist!

He ate and drank what we had left for him, last night (and the reindeers ate the carrots, as well!)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!

Sunday 23 December 2012

A Game! A Game! A Game!


If you are the 1st to  explain in the comments why this picture is funny, you'll win a present!

Ok, it seems difficult, so this is some help: Who is this character?

Yes, it's Rudolph, the red-nosed Reeindeer... and?????

THINK ABOUT THE SONG ("Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, la la la..."

And the last one on that subject, by Bobbie

My teacher asks  me to tell my reaction the day I learnt Santa Claus did not exist. She is funny isn't she?  

(she is, indeed. Mrs P.)

Because he exists, everybody knows that!... What?! He doesn't exist?! It's horrible!

Santa Claus... :'-( 

This day is the worst of my life and the sadness...
All my dreams fall down and my hopes too...

By the way this is a joke I don't  believe in Santa Claus and ... I don't remember the day I learnt Santa Claus did not exist.



I said: "The day you learnt Santa Claus didn't exist OR something seasonal, Bobbie!  Mrs P.

Let's not forget Imnotyou!


I remember I was about 6 and with my family we were on holidays during the summer.
With my sister Julie, who was 5, we asked  our mother:

-Mummy, does the "little mouse" exists?
 (in England, there's no such thing: it's the Tooth Fairy! Mrs P.)

-No it does not exist.

-And  Santa Claus?

-Neither. It’s parents who give you the gifts.

Julie opened wide her eyes and said:

-Hah! We should say it to Adeline (my 13 years old sister) she still believes it !

Before asking  my mother, Julie had asked first Adeline, if Santa Claus existed.

So we were not shocked because the little mouse and Santa Claus didn't exist, we were shocked because our old sister believed it !!!

As for me, I began to have doubts because one morning, under my pillow, I found an envelope on which was written "For Remi" and I asked myself “Mice can write?”
It's a good question, considering that it makes absolute sense that mice come to give you money for your teeth!!! Mrs P.


Saturday 22 December 2012

It's Tsitsa's turn...

The day I learnt that Santa Claus did not exist, it was when Mrs. Papy said " For monday, you write an article about.. "


No, I'm  joking!    (I hope so. Mrs P.)

If I well remember, it was when I was 6 or 7 years old.
I was with my brother,  2 years older than me, and my cousin, who was 14. When we had to sleep, we spoke about Christmas.

It was at the beginning of December, and the two boys argued that Santa Claus does not exist. I believe only that what I see, and I said “ Prove it. “

Therefore, we got up discreetly, at night, to search the gifts in the apartment. We walked in small steps in the long corridor, I was very excited because I thought we would find Santa Claus, in a closet, with gifts !!!

Our parents were still asleep when we had already looked at many places. I told them that they were liars, when, in the dark, we  touched a big gift's pyramid!!!!

We closed the storeroom's door, and turned on the light.

We saw the gifts, all wrapped up, and we talked about the recipient of each gift.

And that is how I discovered the nonexistence of  Father Chritsmas.
Since, I pretend to believe in Santa Claus every year, for my little brother and sister !

Friday 21 December 2012

YMCMB gives her views on Christmas and truth!

I discovered that Santa Claus did not exist when I was 9 years old.
We were on December 24, at the Christmas Eve meal.
I was so eager to be the next day to open my presents!
 I was so depressed, I did not even sleep at night. This is when the time came to go to bed. I was lying in my bed, I could not really sleep!
It was then that I heard a lot of noise in the room.
 I'm curious, so I got up to go see what was going on.
 I was finally going to see Santa Claus work!
 That's when I saw my mother with my brother, putting the gifts at the feet of the tree.
I immediately realized that Santa Claus does not exist.
I was very disappointed that everyone lied to me!
This is when my mother saw the door of the room, she took me apart, and she told me everything.
 I then left to go to bed, very sad and disappointed.
But the next day I forgot my anger against my parents, and was very happy to open my presents!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Musing on Xmas, by Amazilena

What have you written on your wishes list ? 

          I'm not asking you what videogames or what other things like that you want to have. Not at all. What I wanted to know is the most important in my opinion of course -your feelings, your hopes, your projects...

            For me X-Mas, is not only a commercial event when you receive presents with no feelings -It's a familial party.
I give not a lot of importance to presents, or money, because what I love is to see everyone happy this day.

I often imagine the day when I'll have children.
I'll want to see their eyes shine because they are with their two parents, maybe their grand parents still alive and because they feel good in our house.

            Have you ever thought about the evolution between last X-Mas, this year and next X-Mas ?

Did you change ? What meetings have you done ?

It's a favorable moment to remember that.

About myself, I'm quite satisfied.

              To come back to my first question, if before I told you many stuff wich maybe appears useless, it was just to think farther than a comercial party, with no value of money.

So, my own answer is just the health of my family and my friends.
 And my legitimize wish is to meet someone I've known a few months -I keep hoping.

        I wish you a merry X-Mas and I hope you'll have a beautiful time.


Wednesday 19 December 2012

Nomika's view on "the" subject...

The day I learnt Santa Claus dit not exist

I don't remember very well how old I was when I discovered that Santa Claus was not a real person, but it was about 7 .

Before this time, I always thought that it was Santa Claus who brought me the presents I had ordered.
I even had proofs of that (which of course, were some sayings of my parents who wanted me to believe that, and it worked !).

But one day a bit before Christmas, when my mum got home after buying some stuff, I looked in the shopping bag and I saw a doll or some other toy, I don't remember clearly ..

I was wondering why it was in there but my mum came and told me not to look in the shopping bag.

I found this reaction quite weird ..

A few days after, I wanted to know if they were more presents hidden somewhere.

I was very curious, so I searched them in the whole house !

In my parents' bedroom, I opened the wardrobe and I saw many gift packages on the shelf !

 I was very happy even if it meant Santa Claus doesn't exist...

Monday 17 December 2012

Ignorance is Bliss, by WolfGang


 The charm of our childhood was represented in a large amount by the existence of Santa Claus. Each of us remembers with nostalgia how we were waiting for Christmas .
Children are extremely naive and believe in everything , especially in Santa Claus .
It's  one of the beliefs who makes childhood delightful .
We all dreamed one day of seeing Santa Claus at the foot of the tree .
When christmas was coming we did a short list or rather a large list of everything we wanted.
With age , this belief becomes meaningless until the day where we are told the truth.
Personnaly I wasn't sad when I learnt the truth , I found it quite logical.
I had never seen this Father Christmas get into the house , and I was still living in Congo, it would be black  ?
I do not think so.
I remember one thing , when my little brother learnt  the truth he was sad .
Before christmas he usually did his list of presents , and one day when he saw christmas adversing with father's chrismas he wanted to call him !
Ignorance is bliss .

Sunday 16 December 2012

The lie of X-Mas, by Googoo


            That was the 24th December, I was about seven years old. My parents obliged me and my brother and sisters to go to sleep at 11 p.m to let  Santa Claus do his work.
They said that if we didn't sleep during passage, we wouldn't have gifts !
My big sister, Céline, about 12 years old, was calm facing these threats.
When we were all in our bedroom, Céline asked us to come in my bedroom and wait...
Pretending to sleep...
Later, Céline looked through my windows and said "Look ! There are daddy and mom ! They've got our presents !"
We were shocked ! It was our Parents who let our presents at the front of the Christmas tree...
It was the worst Christmas of my childhood...!

Based on a true story.

So if Celine (the dream breaker!) could see your parents outside, where were the presents hidden? Not under the bed, obviously! Mrs P.

Saturday 15 December 2012

The same old story, by Folt

When I learnt that Santa Claus didn’t exist, I was 7 years old.

It was at school (but I don’t remember the day…) and I didn’t cry. But almost!

I learnt it by children in the playground, I heard a lot of children (older than me) saying that Santa Claus didn’t exist.
At the begining, I thought they said that only to joke but, as one goes along, I finished by understand the truth about Santa Claus.
But, to be sure that he doesn’t really exist, I remember that I asked my parents after school and they admitted it to me.
But after, I don’t remember  my reaction… (if I was sad, happy or angry…)





Thursday 13 December 2012

« The day I learnt Santa Claus did not exist. », by K-Za


I was in CM1 the December month but I don't  remember the day, a boy of my class said that  Santa Claus did not exist, I was upset and angry and the evening I was determined to know the truth even though I was convinced that Santa Claus existed, why did my parents lie to me ?

I asked my mum, crying: “Is it  true Santa Claus doesn’t exist “?
And she answered: “Who said that? Of course, Santa Claus exists !”
Next tomorrow in school, I saw the boy and I told him he was wrong because my parents didn’t lie to me. He answered that presents  are in parent’s room.
The evening, before my parents come in the house, I sought in their room, the presents in wardrobe and under the bed, I was angry about my parents and sad that  Santa Claus doesn’t exist but too happy knowing the truth.
I told my parents that the presents were in their room, under the bed and in the wardrobe, and they began to laugh and they told me, that  Santa Claus don’t exist, its parents but do not say it to your sister, it's one secret between us.


Wednesday 12 December 2012

Another interesting view on the holiday season, by Blackman

Santa Claus for me

I do not celebrate Christmas because I’m not a Christian but I grew with many friends who are Christians.
What I enjoy in this tradition is the special édition of movies and cartoons which are  about Christmas like  101 Dalmatians or Mom I missed the plane.


This kind of movies reminds  me of my childhood and return me a feeling of nostalgia.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
