Tuesday 1 March 2016

Lili's article...

When I am an adult, I would like to help the poor children ! I think it's
important to have a good childhood, to be spared. That's why it  is necessary that
they can go to school, have a good health , live in normal conditions , and to
have a fixed place of residence.

In my opinion it is important to help these children ! I know that's is not 1 ,2 or 3
gifts which are going to «help» everything but to encourage people to make them,
could improve the life of these children.

Today, there are several associations which help poor people ,who have
difficulties to meet their needs , for example UNICEF ( United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund )

More and more children in the World are confronted with humanitarian and
catastrophic crises. Unicef is an association created on December
11th, 1946 ,so that it can rescue these children.

The adavantage of this association is to be already present on the spot when a
disaster occurs and be able to send emergency care from the first hours.

The purpose of Unicef is to SAVE, to PROTECT and to EDUCATE these

To be able to help the poor children this organization sets up a system of sponsoring.

We can also become a  regular donor to support them on a long term.

Besides it's an association which encourages a lot the people to make a
donation thanks to its numerous advertisements and also with music.

Because six talented children united their voices under the support of Unicef,
for the album " Un monde meilleur ", for the opportunity of the
international day Children rights

I think it's very important to help the poor children . More than that,
it's important to support them.


  1. That's a really nice cause, I hope you'll manage to take part in something like that somehow :)

  2. I like your article and I think that this is a good cause to defend -Pradel

  3. Poor children dream of going to school and they love study


  4. Good cause to defend :)

  5. Oh they are so cute on the photo!

    By Blondy

  6. This photo is so cute, it makes you want to help


  7. this a really good cause to help

  8. I like the picture hahaa :')
