Friday 4 March 2016

Clyde's article...

Hello everyone, 

This is Clyde and I'm going to talk about a charity. 

The subject which particularly touches me is about the homeless.

In France , 141.500 persons are homeless people !

 The number of homeless people has risen by 50% in ten years. 
The profiles diversified, we find more and more young people in the street, asylum seekers and psychiatric sick ! 
Also, 355,000 calls for accommodation for homeless persons were formulated during winter, 2013/2014 but only 140,000 places were attributed. 
A SDF is not exactly a homeless person. 

The homeless persons are  persons deprived of accommodation.

 The homeless people in France are people not benefiting from a mailing address for the administration. 

3 people out of 4 think that the homeless persons do not manage to take out there, it's their fault.

Doubtless because they were never confronted themselves to the street. 

The homeless have a  structure by age rather different besides from the Parisian population, with for example much fewer people old older than 60years.

22 % of the homeless men in Paris are between 16 and 30 years.
57 % of the men are between 3 and 51 years. 19 % of the men are between 51 and 64 years.
2 % of the men are 65 years old and more.
48 % of the homeless women are between 18 et 30 years.
6 % of the women are between 51 and 64 years and 1 % of the women are 65 years old and more.
57 % of the homeless people are single 8 % are married.
More than 1 homeless person on 3 divorced or is a widower.

In 2009, the prowlers of the Samu social made 6,500 meetings in the street, meetings which concerned 700 different people. On these 700 homeless persons, more than 500 of them were new in the city.

I chose to support this charity thanks to this association " equality " because today I find that the homeless people is a little erased, many people speak about these people in the street but do not make the necessity to help them. Several associations help these people living in the cold such as the famous association "red cross", the ICEM association and the Action association cold.

Several associations help these people living in the cold such as the famous association "red cross", the ICEM association and the Actionfroid association

The homeless people faces daily the difficulties of the street. The cold is not the only concern of the homeless people. It is inequitable and anormal to leave a human being outside, to sleep in the street with the slightest risk of insecurity (the rain, the thunderstorm, risk of attacks, robberies, etc....

Let us not leave people in the street, let us act !!


  1. The figures are imposing, it's quite scary...
    Whenever I see homeless people I try my best to give something to them, most of the time I'm giving some food but they prefer money...

  2. It's interesting to talk about this subject because I think in France, we don't really pay attention on the homeless person

    By Blondy

    1. I'ts why I choose this subject :) -Clyde

    2. Good choice!

      By Blondy

  3. Yes me too and it's so sad because the majority of homeless people prefer money to buy alcohol ! -Clyde

  4. Whenever I walk beside a homeless, Im ashamed.. don't you?

  5. The numbers are panicking


  6. Woww it's amazing to see the percentages of homeless person in a street.. It's so sad

  7. The percentages almost shoked me ! I didn't thing that ...

  8. the pouecentage of homeless people is incredible

  9. It's always very sad to see a homeless in the street... We want to help..


  10. the percentages oh homless almost shokede me ! wow...

  11. This article is really very interesting, the numbers are impressive!
