Saturday 12 March 2016

Sadja's article...

                               IS Foundation

Maybe someday, I would like to work with the IS Foundation or "Ian Somerhalder Foundation".

This charity was launched by the american actor Ian Somerhalder the day of his 32nd birthday, on December 8, 2010. 
The mission is to empower, educate and collaborate hand in hand with people by the way of projects to protect the planet and its creatures.

This charity is composed by a group of people. 
These persons see the world as an interconnected organism in which we are not separated from the other creatures but a part of them. 
For this group, there are no differences between all living things like trees, humans, animals or rivers. All of us need each others, we're like one and the same organism. 

We're interdependent.

The main difficulties that the foundation meet are linked. 
Indeed, it wants to make solutions and actions interconnected too. 
There are many causes, compaigns or organisations which want to change the world, stop the deforestation, plant trees all around the world to heal our planet.
They say : « Nature does not behave independently. It works in unison with all its elements. Working independently to transform our planet is like trying to play a violin without strings. Communities of businesses, organizations, people and projects must begin to connect resources and skills to passions and projects. »

The Ian Somerhalder Foundation works with others Non-Profit or For-Profit organisations. 
With them, they want to give money and ressources towards global conservation and help to grow green energy devlopment. 
They would create awareness about deforestation and global security risks all around the world. 
They want to involve children and young people in this movement.   
And, one of their biggest point, they want to stop animal cruelty and promote programs such as : « species specific sterilization drugs ». 
This program is to transfer lost animals and educate them to help as assistant and therapy guides.
 IS Foundation supports « no-kill shelters » and wants to create strategies to give out this idea.

To get involved in this foundation you can give money to this charity, be a volunteer, share your ideas on the website, propose your project or the idea you want to share. 
It’s easy and the animals and the planet will thank you ! 


  1. I think it's good that actors commits


  2. I didn't know this fondation '6'

  3. I didn't know that he created a foundation, that's really interesting

    1. Yes he did ! I think is a good way to spend all money which he wins thanks to his movies or tv show

  4. good choice ! I like your article and I think the charity for animals it's very important !

    1. Thanks Lauranouille ! I think it is too ! I'm sadder to watch an animal dying than an human in a movie ^^

  5. I don't know that Ian Somerhalder whas an commited actor


    1. Yes, he's very commited ! On sociam networks he always post things about saving the planet :)

  6. that is a very grat article, very interesting -Pradel

  7. Ian looks like a bad boy but the fact that he created this foundatio is so freaking cute

    1. I though you will say "Ian looks like a bad boy but inside he's like a teddy bear !" haha ^^

  8. I did not know there was an association ! Thank Sadja for this information !

    1. Oh you're welcome, it was my pleasure ! ^^

  9. When I saw the picture, I thought that you created your own association! 'Cause I know that you are really creative in your work :)
    Didn't know he had an association but proud of him!

  10. I knew that he was interesting about the animal cause, but not about his own association, good article !

    1. Thank you Unicorn ! When you follow him in social networks, it's impossible to unknow his interest of animal cause, indeed ! ^^

  11. Many people are fighting mostly against fur !


  12. good article ! :)
