Wednesday 2 March 2016

Bush's article...

For what charity cause I would like to get involved ? I like this subject because for some years I've thought of doing  charity work at the end of my studies. That's why I will tell you how we can engage in charities, and in the purpose of what ?
The  humanitarian help is for poor population and underdeveloped countries.  
It aims at meeting the basic needs such as water, food, housing etc... but also to promote and defend human dignity and human rights. 
 Humanitarian aid can also be done during natural disasters in order to give life to these people. 
This aid may come from various sources such as association, NGOs or even states.
 In general, they send volunteers, but can also employ paid staff and qualified.
 On the Internet you can find lots of humanitarian training in all kinds of fields.

Humanitarian missions can be done by anyone, just be motivated, present, and just a little bit of money because we pay our travel.  
According to surveys, they describe the experience as uncommon, they encounter endearing people. Some are busy children in african countries to their shared things , given their desire to learn.
 A Woman who  leftforCambodge says :
« I was touched by the gentleness of the people always ready to laugh with us despite their difficult situation, their smiles, their recognition, the curiosity of children , their laughter and these shared moments . A beautiful lesson of life that allows us to put many things in perspective ! »
This is what I will wish to live, it must be a wonderful time, especially with children because they are the most engaging and expressive.
The aim of these missions is to bring our resources, our care and all the things one has managed to develop in our country unlike those countries that do not have the means.

This is why the humanitarian missions interress me a lotwhen the notion of sharing is put forward, and for me it is one of the most beautiful things that man can do : share.


  1. We all have the same ideas of causes to defend


  2. I like the way you put that quote, that really shows how much these foundations are important

  3. It's a very good topic to defend


  4. It's a nice article, very interesting

  5. i like your article the topic is interesting

  6. it's a very good topic to defend, I like your article
