Monday 29 February 2016

Picadilly's article...

When I grow up I want to protect the childhood in Africa. 

Especially the « soldier children  ». 

I think that's an horrible thing to kidnap a child from his parents.

Today there is more than 120,000 children soldiers in Central Africa and in the world there are between 250,000 and 300,000 children soldiers in the world.

 The first NGO (ONG in french ) is «  Save the children » . 

There are children which are kidnapped and in some cases they are paid by the men who kidnap the children. 
They accept because the poverty is very important in these countries.  

The children the most implicated in this tragedy are the orphans or refugees.

Today therearemany ways to help the children. 
We could sponsor a child on the Internet and give money to their family.

We have to leave  the children their counsciousness , they cannot be used like pawns because its easier to manipulate a child for an adult.

It's for these reasons I would like to protect the children from the conflicts.

We have to leave at the children their counsciousness , they cannot be used like pawns because its easier to manipulate a child in case of an adult. It's for these reason I would to protect the children to the conflict.



  1. I haven't thought about that! That's a really good cause to support! Children shouldn't have to fight, that's horrible, they're not even able to understand why they're fighting for. The worst is that adults force them to do that

  2. that's a good fight, I really like your article :) -Pradel

  3. Kidnapping was my worst nightmare... I had bad marks during 2008 at school because I didn't sleep well. I really hope that will never happen to my child, even if this mind could be selfish...

  4. I think you did one of the best article so far because you defended a cause that is for me really important. It's a shame that I didn't think of that idea, of course all the charities ppl talked about before are great and important but I think this one is the most important one because a child should have a 'normal' childhood and not see the horror, it's awful !

  5. I think it is a really good article


  6. I never hear about this assocation

  7. I think that I will do like you


  8. I think you're the only one to think about this cause. It's very good article.

  9. I am with you in your project, it's very interesting! -Cactus

  10. I am with you in your project, it's very interesting! -Cactus

  11. This article is heart touching !

  12. Poor childrens... We can see "help me" in children's eyes

  13. I do not think anyone would have thought of this association but it's great !


  14. They deserve to go to school like us..not to live like this..

  15. That was an article that surprised me tbh I didn't expected that but it's great to think of those children as well. As we're living in a country were this would never happen, we might tend to forget that somewhere else in the world it is. I can only agree with the fact that they should be free and not chained by people forcing them to live next to death.

  16. These situations are really awful, it is a very good cause!


  17. I will be totally willing to help those children in need !

  18. Horrible conditions ... So important cause, very good article

  19. I didn't know ! Poor childrens.. i't so sad
