Saturday 20 February 2016

Akaniie's article...

I have to admit that the world we live in today isn't the prettiest one. 
Even now, wars are going on, people are being forced to move away from their land and some might be in danger right now. 
Poverty still is a big issue and inequality among us is common and sometimes unfair. 
I told you, our world isn't the prettiest one, but it's all we have.

Now that I said this, shall I add that it's the reason why we should protect it and do our possible to save our ''home'' ? 
I could tell you that once I grow up I'll get myself involved in some charity stuff, maybe give my money or write some speeches to bring more people into my cause.

Alas this isn't what'll do. 

Even if the state of the world is unstable, joining one of them won't really help.

I don't fully believe that giving money will change anything nor acting in group and being on the field where the problem lies. 

I think the issue is much bigger than that.

 All we can do with these charities is to decrease their problems temporarily.

 If someone has to do something it shouldn't be us but the leaders of the world. 

So now, I think that the charities are something good and I'm not against any of them since they do help people and bring hope beneath the dark sky above our heads. 

But the thing is that the key to world peace and happiness lies within those ''leaders'' hands. 

They, have the power to change our world and that's why all we really have to do is chosing the good ones, bringing the right people to the right places so they can do what they can to help the world getting better. 

However finding the good ones isn't an easy task because even if we can write it down on some paper, talk about it to our friends, the whole world, so big does not know that ''this'' person exists and can change the world positively. 

We need some involvement from both parts. We should bring our ideas and be listened by those who have power combined we may get a chance to change everything.

Of course, the NGOs are opening the path, but their movement is limited and the involvement needed is much bigger. 

They can't save the world on their own or solely with people's help. That's why we need good rulers and people, on top of our countries. 

Lastly, the reason all of us should think properly about the issue and people who are going to rule the world is that nobody wants to leave a broken planet for our family and loved one to live on.

Yep, all I want is that those figureheads won't lead us the wrong way. 
We are the one voting for them so our voices still count even if it's not much but if we do not take action we'll also be part of the fall of the planet. 

In order to make it a better place we should wisely chose the one we're giving the world to.


  1. i think you are right we only we have one world we live in we must protect it has much has we can

    1. Yup which made me think about how cruel human can be to the world--- that poor dolphin didn't deserved this ending... (You should read Apote's article to know what I mean)

  2. It is true that the world has many problems right now....


  3. I quite agree with you .w. But I don't think we can just let this to people because they are "rulers". We are in a democracy so we, people, have to do something too. (idk if it's clear, but i understand myself so...)

    1. That's what I kinda said though---- I wrote that we were the one chosing them and that we should do it wisely as our voice counts too. You're right it's not only them, but how can they become ''rulers'' without us? They embody our will and what we want for the world. Thus we give them our vote as our support because they have a similar pov or they will do what we can't for the people and the world. Like--- A president isn't one man brain and thoughts, it's also is those of the one who gave him this position. I'm sorry it end up being quite long again.

      tl;dr: You're right, but that's what I sort of said x)

    2. When I read it for the first time it's not the impression that I've had .w. Well, it's more clear with your explanations. 'v'

  4. Your article is full of winsdom, It made me think about our world and our leaders, you're right about that though.

    1. Thank you but I'm not really wise x) It was all of it condensed. Now I'm going to make bad life decisions like eating a whole cake myself :D

    2. That's not that bad, I do that sometimes :p

  5. Your pov was quite unexpected but I like it even so, all you said is right.

    1. Quite unexpected? Well I'm not the kind of person that talks much x) But I do like some debates from time on time but I'm a stubborn/open-minded person so it wouldn't make sense my pov would change every 10min.

  6. " If someone has to do something it shouldn't be us but the leaders of the world. "
    I agree with you but it's so easy to say and so difficult to do

    1. I completely agree with you here, (and as I read this sentence something feels odd to me... I should've add ''alone'' after us and ''too'' at the end.) But again that's only words I can't do much orz

  7. I agree with you!

    By Blondy

  8. I'm totaly agree with you.. your article is so true..

  9. I agree with you but I think it is still possible to change some things :/


    1. Of course we can still change stuff it'd be bad if we couldn't

  10. Indeed, this world isn't the prettiest one obviously -Bonnie

    1. We can't compete with Saturn look at those cool rings, moreover it rains diamond on it

  11. I love your ideas, they are really interesting and I quite agree with what you say! -Cactus

  12. I like your article :) - Pradel

    1. Thanks love my article too : )... Maybe

  13. It's was very interesting to read and very reflective

  14. Akaniiie I really love the way you write. May you could develop this way and be an author ? ^^

    1. Aaaw thank you but I have no talents and I'm way too useless lmao
