Sunday 21 February 2016

Unicorn's article...

For what charity cause I would like to get involved ? For me, it's a hard question, because I think that all charitable causes are good to be defended. But, I choose to talk about countries victims of natural disasters.

        So as an adult (and, I hope, a nurse) I would like to help in case of emergency. 

In these moments, people lost everything. They are really vulnerable and they need to be reassured. All the victims, meaning millions of peoples when a part of a country is ruined, need care. 

Emergency care for many persons, but especially first aid for everybody.

        Natural disaster encompass many things the media don't always talk about : cyclons, floods, landslides, droughts, tsunamis and volcanic risks.

        The risk of natural disaster is, in fact, linked to the Human Developpement : 
a poor population means an harder pressure on the environment (pollution etc). 
Furthermore, these people are more vulnerable : there is only basic management of the environment, whereas the risks are known, no control of the settlement (people can live in very dangerous zones) and even less preparatory measures in case of disaster. 
So, the consequences are even more terrible for the victims.


It's true that,  most of the time, people know what happened. 

We say « Yes it's sad » and it's over.

 Associations try to get food and money. 

But when I see this kind of information, I can't stop myself thinking about what happened in reality, in the present, in the country. People trapped, looking for their families...

        It must be very hard to go to work in this situation, but if I can, I hope to have the bravery to help.



  1. You seems to be someone with a lot of empathy. That's right that when there are natural disasters we're not very touched by these and we can not really do something.

    1. True. When there's a natural disaster it's hard to realize how hard it can be. This article is really interesting, I'll try to learn more about this cause

    2. So i've done my job :)
      Thank you :)

  2. Your article is interesting! I agree with you it's important to get involved about the victims of natural desaster , that allow to reconstruct what they lost!

  3. I like your article, and it's true it must be very difficult to see this type of situation !


  4. This is topical at the moment with the storm in Fidji's island !


  5. I like your article and I support you in your project to help people affected by natural disasters. -Cactus

    1. More a wish than a project. If in the end i'm not a nurse, I would be useless on the spot :/

  6. I hope for you that you will be a nurse ;)

    By Blondy

  7. great article :) - Pradel

  8. It's true that nowadays there's so much problems on Earth we just think it's sad for few seconds, maybe minutes and then continue living without giving those events second thoughts... It's just the way it is, sadly we can't really do much. I do hope for all of the victims to find help and comfort, but that seems so useless to me and hypocrite because those are only words and thoughts.

    1. But empathy is a first step :)
      You shouldn't feel guilty for all that

  9. Uni, that's a very good charity ! I think that yours is the best than all because it's important to Human to help others Human and we are a lot to forget it...
    That's sad
