Wednesday 24 February 2016

Nausicaa's article...

It would be hypocritical to say "Yes, of course I would like to work for a charity cause" because it's not true.
I don't say that it's not a good thing but for me, it's useless. 
What can only one person do ? If I work or get involved it's not gonna change anything.
Same thing if I don't.
 It's really not what I want to do. 
I don't say it's not important and hopefully some people working or do something. 
They fight against global warming, they help the homeless or they give money to help the research against cancer but who actually does something which has a real impact?
 It's the scientists, not us.
I respect people who try to change the world but…
Maybe it's a bit pessimistic but when I see people act for something and be "proud" of themselves, I just find that very selfish. 

They don't act for people; they act for themselves, to keep good conscience. 

In that case, it's only interested actions. 

For example, there was at one time the ice bucket challenge to make known the SLA (sclérose latérale amyotrophique) on the Internet and some people insulted the youtuber Pewdipie because he didn't do it.

But he made a real help giving money to association and he never talked about it. (but we are stalkers so we know everything.)
How can we choose only one association? 

How can we decide this one deserves more intention than the others?

They are all important and sometimes they really can change people lives. By the way, some causes are unknown and why ? Because we don't pay intention to them but it doesn't mean that they are less useful.
Of course, we can not compare the research against cancer to other charities, or even to other associations against diseases.

And what about excision? People don't hear about it or don't care because it's not in "our culture".

I really thing that only one person even with the better feelings can not change anything. 

But of course, if all people think like this it would be harder for anybody. There would be more inequalities and it would be a darker world. 

It's a good thing that people try to do real actions.
(Of course it's easier to help when you are JK Rowling and you have a LOT of money you can give to charity! -She really did that; Harry Potter's mother is a good person and a good writer!-)


  1. I find sort of contradictions in your article... You write that people acting for charity aren't doing much but most of them give money too? I mean it's almost as if you despised them but Pewds and JK Rowling only giving money is an heroic act. I may have misunderstood something but that's how I see what you wrote.
    On another hand I agree with you on some points raising awareness on some cause would be great; and Pewds also explain what was behind the IBC, what the SLA was to accomplish that.
    Anyway, your pov was quite interresting to read, nice article uvu

    1. Giving money it's absolutely not an "heroic act", I just give example that people who have a lot of money can change something while a "normal people" can't. If someone gives 20 euros, it's good but well, it's not so much, if someone gives 2000 euros it's better help.

    2. I agree with you both but I have to admit that "normal people" can't really do something. People who give their time for a charity are not well known for that while rich people who are just giving some of their huge fortune are soooo famous for that.
      By the way JK Rowling was the first one ever to earn a billon that fast but she was also the first one ever to lose it that fast because she gave almost everything to charity

    3. Those ''normal people'' giving 20 is proportional to those rich people giving 2000 somehow? At the end it's all the same. If NP stopped giving their money, charities would lost most of the money they have. I don't think you can compare people based on what they give. And NP>RP in number, the money given may be of a similar amount?

    4. I know... That's why I said it, it's just my opinion? Idk.

  2. I understand your point of view, but even if you help only few peaples, it's good. Give your coffee to an homeless person is already help for charity cause :p

    1. I thought I had post a comment but maybe I dreamt... Anyway, I think the same as Unicorn so here is my interesting comment
      Well done for your article buddy

    2. Of course ! But it's a little thing meanwhile people are dying and we can do anything

    3. Even if that's little to you it might mean the world to the one you gave the coffe too. Even if you think we can't do much, never doing anything won't make things go forth, I'll pair up with Uni's idea this time

    4. I really understand your point of view Nausicaa! Many actions "for" charity are just selfish causes and that's sad to say this but it's true...

    5. It's not little to me, it's little for all people we can not help because we don't have the power. It's great to help someone, but we can't help everyone.

  3. If all people say they can not change anything, nobody will participate and it will be sad... It's a bit the same system for elections


    1. You're right, that's sad. It's the same in almost everything really

    2. It's what I said at the end... I just gave my point of view, but I encourage people to continue helping other people

  4. I'm not agree with you, I understand your idea but I think helping people is a good thing, even if few people do it, it's good. It is a hope to improve the world. People are not selfish, on the contrary they give their time and sometimes their money to help others. -Cactus

    1. Sadly, I don't think people are kind naturally. Not all of them, of course, but those we heard about in majority.

  5. i agree too people who are helping are trying to change things , to make difference , so yes even if one person does something small they are not like someone who would give a lot of money to a charity but their do it because their believe that things can change and this how we can create a new hope ....

  6. I don't think i'm going to add something, its too much up !

    1. Haha so... What did you comment on? x)

    2. It's make another comment on my article, so, it's good for me :p

    3. Nausicaa said everything..

    4. Lemme add another one, ''It makes''

  7. I don't know what to think about that


  8. Nausicaa is misunderstood lol !I understand your point of view too but I love help people because I'm like that, is my nature :)
