Sunday 27 September 2015

The Artist... aka Akaniie...

Hello \('v')/

My name here is Akaniiie, for now, I'm only 16 (don't worry I'll catch up soon -v-)
 [I used to say that too... ^^ Mrs P.]
As for my hobbies and things I like... 

I would say drawing? 

I started very soon but like you all, at approximatively 4 or something, at school. 
But I tried later on to develop those ''drawings'' I did, but dropped everything pretty soon. 

Then I met good friends; friends that made me draw again because their art was pretty, and my passion for drawing just ignited again.
 So, I seriously started to draw only 3 years ago. 

You can take me to an art store, I'll be yelling over those beautiful markers, and such colorful paints...

Please save my wallet. 

I'll be glad to show more to you some day 'v' But I still lack confidence as well as experience...

I'm also pretty much open minded so I love lots of others things, but you'll need to read a big essay if I had to write it all. 

Well then, I think there's enough. 

If you'd like to see some art sample just ask me by comments or something else!(I feel like a youtuber -v-, hey also don't forget to subscr-- nah)

Oh, also, nice to meet you all ovo)/


  1. I saw a lot of your drawings and I have to say that you are very talented my friend ! Keep doing your passion

    1. When did you saw this much drawing o-o? But thank you for the kind message I'll keep drawing! One day I read this quote : '' Never make fun of someone’s passion because that’s the thing that saves them from the world.'' And this kind of applies to me and I wanted to share it with you too c : It's sort of a psa !

    2. What's a nice quote! It's really corresponding to you Akaniiie :)

    3. Yes I love this quote ! And I saw your drawings last year I think. At your house ahah

  2. Yo honey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [I have to stop using this creepy smiley]
    Your drawing is so adorable.
    I'm your conscience, listen to me... Buyyy everything in art store ! and stop saying you're not talented .w.

    1. I wont buy more supplies I have to resist orz----- And well I said I lacked experience, talent is something that was given to you, something that at the beginning you were already good at like Picasso (have you saw the way he drew back then?!) I had to work hard to get there and it's still not that good so I'll work even more but this is not ''talent'' this is practice and passion 'v'

    2. You can't resist, I know you.
      Talent can be something you can work about it no only something you have at the beginning. .w.

    3. Well, I know that x) But years of practice and effort only reduced to ''talent'' sounds a little harsh for me. I know everyone means no harm but I don't like hearing it. Because as I said I started at 4 like y'all and it was awful uvu It's not just talent everybody can get where I am ! Well I'm quite stubborn but don't really want to start an argument, I'll leave it here 'v'

  3. I admire person who are able to draw because I think it's beautiful!

    By Blondy

    1. Haha thank you, I admire you too, if I remember well you dance no? I can't even stand on my feet properly x) Every form of art is beautiful that includes yours as well 'v'

  4. Hi girl, you're talented. Everybody knows that. You draw in every single one of our classes ;)

    1. Haha not in every classes though, but I admit I do draw sometimes when I really am bored ---

  5. Akaniie. What could I say about you? I don't really know... I'm jealous of you and your talent! ^^
    I already have your drawing on my bedroom's door! 2 years ago Haha ^^

    1. From 2 years ago??? Please throw it away it must be awful I don't even want to think about it orz I'll do you another proper one uwu;;; And don't be jealous everyone's great a something 'v' I practiced a lot to get here and I'm quite a lazy person so I bet everyone can learn how to draw !

  6. You draw very well Cindy

    1. Waaah my secret identity has been discovered oAo! Haha well, thank you 'v'

    2. ahah ! your welcome ;)

  7. And you draw very well :)

    1. Well thank you mysterious fan uvu

  8. Your drawing are very beautifull ! what is your favorite drawing?
