Thursday 24 September 2015

SuricateC and the dancer...

Hello everybody ! 

My name isSuricateC, I'm 17 years old (soon 18 because I was born on december, 3, 1997 in Créteil ( near Paris).

 I live in Charly, 35 minutes from Bourges. 

Charly is a little village which organizes, in the Charly castle, a English lunch with Tea, Cupcakes and other English pastries because the owner of the castle is English. 

I've been a dancer for 11 years now and I would like to become a dance teacher. 

In my free time, I do photography (it is my second passion).

Today, I would like to talk about my favourite movie ; It is « Billy Elliot ». The story is set in 1984. 
Billy is an eleven year old child who lives with his father Jackie, his brother Tony and his grandmother.
 After school, Billy takes boxing classes because his father thinks he can succeed in this business and can get them out of misery (they are poor).
 But Billy prefers to dance because a dance class is taught alongside his boxing classes. 
Against his father and brother, who think that dancing is for girls and homosexuals , Billy struggles to tuck into one of the finest dance school.

 His dance teacher (Mrs. Wilkinson) believes in him and his talent and Billy persuades his father and gets into a prestigious dance school where he would later become, one of the best dancers of the school.
I love this movie because it shows that dance is for everyone. 

It shows too that with courage, labor, sacrifices and investment, it can help to fulfill one's dream and I recognize myself in this film.

By : SuricateC


  1. 11 years of dance?! Wow that must be pretty amazing ovo I think I might know who you are 'v' If that's the case, I can see dance is in your blood. As for photography I wish we could see some on the blog one day~

    1. I wonder if I can put my link to my photo page on the blog ... Thank's Akaniiiie for your coment !

  2. Replies
    1. like me... lol (I laugh well recess)

      This is my nickname :3

  3. I agree with the fact that dance is for everyone, I love this movie too

  4. I really like this movie ! I watched it when i danced and it was really intresting :)

    1. "I dance therefore I am" lol

  5. Billy Elliot is one of my favorite movies ! I like it so much ! Thanks for your article :)

  6. I love this movie too , last year we do the TPE about dance and we choose the movie billy elliot to speak about :)

    1. I know, I know :)
      This movie is MA.GIC

  7. I never see this movie! I see Black Swan you know? 😍 I loooove this movie with Natalie Portman

    1. I saw all dance films ! I love Black Swan too

  8. This movie is so emotional !

  9. this is my mother-in-law who introduced me to this film, she also dances !


  10. I agree with you , This movie is great

  11. This film tells a beautiful story :))))

    - Bush
