Tuesday 29 September 2015

Essena's presentation, and Detectives that are real...

Hi everyone !

I'm Essena (I am a girl in case you didn't know it) and I am 17 years old. 
I have 2 brothers, (one older, one younger) and I live in Rians, the city of the cheese strainer, did you know it?
Well, I love swimming, I did 8 years of synchronized swimming but I stopped for many reasons.
I love listening to rock music, old music especially and I don't have too many hobbies or talents but that's fine.

Today, I am going to talk about something I love : 

True Detective

I am this kind of girl who is obsessed by TV series...  

[I know another grown-up one! Mrs P.]

True Detective is a new televison drama produced in 2014 by HBO, an American premium cable. 

It is written and directed by a literature teacher : Nic Pizzolato.

The series has two different seasons, each season consists of 8 episodes. 
Created with an anthology format in mind, every season will feature a different cast of characters and story. 
My favourite is the first season, it is so exciting, that's why I am going to talk more specifically about it.

Season one is based on a book, The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers, and focused on two detectives : 

Rust Cohle (played by Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (played by Woody Harrelson) as they ended up crossing paths while hunting a serial killer in Louisiana for 17 years.

The season begins with the discovery of a satanic manslaughter.
The victim is Dora Lange, she is sitting naked in front of a tree. 
So, the two partners try to find clues to know and arrest the murderer of this tragedy. 

Seventeen years later, Cohle and Hart are interviewed separately, five days apart, about Dora Lange by detectives Thomas and Maynard. 
Hart and Cohle have not spoken in ten years after a falling-out in 2002. 
Cohle is shown a photograph of another girl whose body has been found posed in similar fashion to Lange.
Papania and Gilbough want to know how the killer could have struck again if he was caught in 1995...

I hope that this little presentation was interesting, I really enjoy talking about things I love so that was a pleasure to write this article on my favourite TV series !

Thank you for reading and see you soon. -Essena ♥


  1. Replies
    1. Aaah it is so cool that you like it too! !!!

  2. Oooh True detective ! I saw that it was one of the best series 'v' I wanted to watch but didn't had the occasion to orz So many series to watch @~@

    1. I understand, I have so many series to watch too but this one is the best I promess ahah

  3. I like you already ;) I've never heard about True Detective except when you mention it at school, it seems pretty cool though

    1. I hope that you already like me ahah
      Yeaaah I am obsesed with it, it changes from other boring detectives stories

  4. I love the "fromage blanc" from Rians! and I love you too even if I don't know True Detective but I hope you can watch it with me, with a vanilla tea of course!

    By Blondy

    1. Of course I will love to share this with you, I will make some cookies too

  5. I know this series because of Woody Harrelson who is playing in Hunger games (THE MOVIEIEZOIFHQZOIFUHQZ) Anyway, I watched the trailer and it's a mix between The walking dead and n.c.i.s??
    This series appears to be interesting!

    1. Yes he is a wonderful actor!
      Not really because it is more real whereas the walking dead is all about zombies ahah
      If one day you watch it say me how you find it I would love to know your opinion :)

  6. I have to see it !! I love detectives's stories -Bonnie

    1. Yeah ! We can be friends ahah

    2. there are no problems haha ;) -Bonnie

  7. Very interesting summary, I enjoyed it ! Thank you !

    1. Thank you Nate !! :)
      New serie for you Haha ^^

  8. Didn't see True Detective yet but seems to be a ver good TV show... The next one on my list ;-)
    Coming for Sadja

    1. Hi !
      Hope you will like it like I do

    2. Thank you Val ^^
      Again new serie,?!
      Do you will have time to work? ^^

  9. I think he won't be able to work ahah
    But this series is not to long : 2 seasons of 8 episodes but 1episode is 1hour :)

  10. All my friend say me that this serie was one of the best, especially season 2 ! I must watch this


    1. So you have food friends ahah
      Personnaly I prefer season 1
      Tell me about it when youare done :)

  11. Hello my name is Alice, Pauline's friend (Essena'friend)
    I love your tastes for music
    I have to watch True Detective, you already speak to me of it, it looks nice
    Alice :)

  12. Thank you so much Alice for taking your time to post a comment <3

  13. Hello Essena, I don't know this series but how you speak about it that looks awesome !

  14. This is not my type of series, but I love i too !


  15. I never heard this serie but it's look like interresting!
