Monday 21 September 2015

Fechouille's article!

Hi, I'm Fechouille , I'm 17 years and I study in this High School. 
I have brown curly hair and I'm not very tall. 
At school I'm interested in Spanish , History and English and I detest maths it's why I'm taking literature . 
In my personal life , I enjoy playing music when I have the time .
I also fancy reading some books and I love travelling, visiting  other countries or just a city where I've never been before .

I would like to present a region of France , the Camargue , it's where I was born and I spent all my childood , it was a very nice period . 
It's a little region in the extreme south of France , bordering the Mediterranean Sea (near  Marseille and Arles) .  

Camargue is most of the time better-known because of wild horses and  pinks flamingos, but to me it's the good mood, the afternoon at the beach , the bullfight of the village (it's not corrida , we don't kill , just games with bulls ) and the sun ! 

It's not very populated , the biggest city is Arles, it's a lovely city crossed by the Rhône , famous for the arenas and its antiquity history . 

I recommend you to visit this city one day , Bye !



  1. With what instrument do you play ? :3

  2. I hate math too!! :)
    Camargue look so beautiful

  3. It seem beautiful :)


  4. Camargue seems like the perfect place to live ♥

  5. Why did you come to Bourges the life seems so better in Camargue !? -Bonnie

  6. I love Camargue because the South of the France is the perfect place to live.

    By Blondy

  7. You are my Camarguaise :p I dont need read your article for know this
    #bibi ❤

  8. to answer the comments i dont understand the comment of nausicaa sorry
    and yes Camargue is so beautiful and natural !
    aha habibi you know everything about me ;)

    1. Playing music is mentioned in the article and she wants to know what instrument...

    2. ho sorry I play guitar and a little bit piano :)

  9. You're so cute when you're bathing with your white hair Fechouille !!


  10. The Camargue it's a really beautiful very attractive place, in more the race of horse is also very beautiful

  11. You have a Fender guitar, no ? I even believe that your guitar is blue..

  12. I think so that's a beautiful region, I hope I can go there one day!
