Friday 25 September 2015

Lauranouille loves fairy tales...

Hello, my name is Lauranouille, I was born on June 24th, 1998. 
 I am thus 17 years old. 
I have a little brother, he's 12 years old . 

I have a dog, his name is Chipster, it is a white golden retriever. 

I play football and I've been riding a horse since I was 9 years old.
 I like shopping, horses, football, animals, children... 

Later I shall want to be psychologist or work in fire brigades because I like helping people.

I'm going to present Lana Parrilla: she's my favorite actress. 

 It's an American actress, she plays in Once Upon A Time, it's my favorite series. 

Lana embodies Regina, who is the evil queen.


  1. Lauranouille i love you *.*

    The Evil Queen is my mom ! I love fairy tales as you know and Snow White is my favourite :) ♥

  2. Everyone is talking about series while I don't watch any -v-''', I kind of feel ashamed uvu;; Maybe I should try to watch some one day---- Lauranouille you're so sweet wanting to help people is a good thing !

  3. I love the fact that you're playing Football you can't imagine, because you seemed so girly and all that stuff?? Anyway, I saw this actress in anoher series, shes beautiful

  4. I love this TV show, probably one of my favorite. I love the evil queen too, she's so pretty !

  5. I really try to watch this tv show but i don't know why i don't like it. To all understand i must all season watch and i don't want


  6. I love really the character of Sheriff .... :3

  7. I never Watch Once upon a time , I'll try to begin this serie
