Wednesday 23 September 2015

Apote and a dangerous game...

My alias « Apote » is actually the nickname used by my friends to call me, I find it funny and unusual so I chose it as my english alias.
 As for me, well I was born on the second of january of 1999, and so I am the youngest of the family after my two big sisters who used to study in this High School as well. 

I like drawing an reading, that is why I chose the Litterature option, but also because I suck at scientific stuff ! 
I'd love to leave for a year or two in another country (mostly an english one) to improve my english and to discover other cultures.

I've now chosen to talk about the TV show A Game of Thrones because this is a famous TV serie that I love. 

It was created in 2011 by David Benioff and D.B.Weiss, it follows the storylines of the original books written by Georges R.R.Martin ; I actually bought the first book in english language but I haven't had the time to read it yet. 


The Game of Thrones is a US show but it mostly stars british actors on the team like Peter Dinklage (playing the cunning Tyrion Lannister), Kit Harington (playing the brave Jon Snow) and Emilia Clarke (playing the stunning Daenerys Targaryen) which received many awards for their acting . 

The TV show in itself also received many successful awards. 
The creators of The Game of Thrones released five seasons already, and so HBO (the diffusing company) is actually filming a sixth season which the eight million international fans are waiting for.

 But I must say that the most important part of the TV show is what it is about : this is a fantasy medieval drama about politic powers, social hierarchy, religion, civil war, sexuality and violence in every ways...

 The plot is about noble families disputing the Iron Throne in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros (it might seem a bit boring that way but it isn't!), and so the TV series have a lot to work on with the costumes, different languages invented just for the show, the sets and everything else...

 The interesting point is that The Game of Thrones is enjoyed by young and old people : for example even my mother is watching it, and I can tell that she's not usually found of television ! 
So I now hope that you would want to watch The Game of Thrones after the description I've made of it, if you're not already watching it of course...


  1. Eeeh so you like drawing too? Hello fellow art friend ovo)/ As for GoT guess I just couldn't follow the story? I get bored quite easily and the firsts episodes didn't catch my attention :/ But I'm not saying it's bad since I know nothing of it --orz

    1. The little boy falling from the window (and not knowing if he would survive didn't catch your attention???????????????????????????^^)...Ouah! Picky audience: I'll have to prepare awsome lessons to catch your attention! ;-)

    2. Of course it did! I stopped at the fifth one but that scene surprised me a lot ;; But not enough to keep going with the series, even though everyone is saying that's one of the greatest series ever orz I guess the hype kind of discouraged me---

    3. That I can understand: sometimes you expect things to be awsome because everyone is talking about them and you get a bit disappointed...

  2. Game of Thrones ? Who doesn't love it ? (in fact, I know someone but shhh-)
    I think the books are not good literature '-' The universe is very cool (dragons ♥) but... I don't know I can't read it. But the serie is awesome !

    1. I tend to disagree with you: the books are excellent! Did you try to read them in english? The French translation is a bit weird. I can lend you my copy if you wish.

    2. Arf, maybe this is better in English. I just can't with the French version @-@

  3. Oh I love your article Apote ! Game of Thrones is one of my favourite series, do you have a favourite character?

    1. Yeah sure, I love the cunning Tyrion Lannister, but also the handsome Jon Snow !!

  4. Love this series too :)

  5. I've never seen this series but it reminds me Mr Nauleau because he loves Games Of Thrones :) -Bonnie

  6. I'm trying to read it, but i have to fight against spoilers...
    Good article :)

  7. I've never watched GOT, what's so special about it ? I feel excluded now.

    1. No one should feel excluded in this class...But what? You've never watched GOT???? Lol!

    2. I never watched Game Of Throne too. we'll make a clan anti-GOT Alien ^^ .

    3. I've never watched too!

      By Blondy

    4. Aliena* Sorry

  8. I think one day, watching this series but many people spoiled a lot of chapter :'(

  9. I am actually watching it. I should do my homeworks one day...

  10. For me is the best tv show ! Have you watched all the season ?

  11. GoT is one of my favorite tv show ! Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen are my favorite character


    1. Oh I love Tyrion too, he's such an interesting character
      - Apote

  12. Yeah sure I've watched all seasons, and I'm looking forward for the next one to come out !
    - Apote

  13. I love series too especially game of thrones but I didn't finish at all
