Saturday 5 September 2015

Hello there!

Quand sur MSN, je me mettais en hors ligne pour voir qui était connecté.  

Welcome to the Extra English class blog!


  1. I think it's good to have a blog to communicate with the others and to progress in English. More over, we can share our opinion, our goal, our experiences... Indeed, we can learn about others' passions for example.

    By Blondy

  2. Oh hey! It seems Blondy was faster than me, and already said everything--- But, yeah it's nice to have this blog for english, funnier than textbooks 'v' I hope it'll become more lively, it be sad if there's only two people.

  3. Hi ! Yes I agree with Blondy too. It's a funny and original way to learn english !

  4. Meerkat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's me !! I love meerkat

    By SuricateC

  5. I agree with Blondy . I'm not strong in English and I think this year is going to be for me, a complete transformation in English !

    By SuricateC

  6. I agree with Blondy. so cute the meerkat !!
