Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Last article of the series: Shake and Bender's resolutions


It's Shake and today I'm going to talk about the new year's resolutions of Bender, and everybody knows that he needs them!

First of all, in Futurama, Bender feeds himself with some alcohol, and he smokes a lot of cigars to be classy.

He loves money and he's perverse and selfish.

But since this year, he has decided to change all these faults and his friends will be surprised.


Bender invited Fry to celebrate the New Year. He invited him to the restaurant.

Fry asked:

"Bender, what is happening? It's the first time you've ever invited me at the restaurant??"

"I know, but this year, I'm going to change! Look: I haven't smoked yet and I drank only one glass of alcohol whereas normally in one hour I don't count in glasses but in bottles. And it's not finished..."

"I think you're crazy man! In one night, you will not change, but it is true you 're different, already, with this restaurant invitation...."

"Now I will be classy without all of that, and you and the others will be happy, and surprised too..."


  1. Hello!
    Your article is great and futhermore I like Futurama :)

  2. Bender won't ever change....

  3. Hey the video is absolutely great ! DaffyDuck

  4. The new year resolution of Bender is nice found ! Let's applause (as it's asked on the pic) DaffyDuck

  5. Hummm still shake the last one but never the first one. I like your resolutions guy

    by grecy

  6. Futurama is one of my favorite cartoons !

