Tuesday 17 March 2015

Bamboo's advice on High School life...

For my new article «advice on High School years», I decided to write a dialogue. 
We are during the Open Day in AF High School, and I help the future students for their plans for the next year and  advise them  on how to succeed their first year too.

In my article, I'm talking with a girl who is interested in the High School.

GIRL: Hello, I would like to have information on the High School ?!
ME : Hi ! Of course ! What do you want to know exactly ?
GIRL : Hum... the optional subjects, timetable, the High School's life...
ME : Ok.... hum... Have you got an idea on an optional subject ?
GIRL : Oh yes ! I have two choices. I Already know I want to take  literary levels...
ME : It's a good choice ! Ah ah !
GIRL :... Yes, I know ah ah ! Well, so my first choice is « Extra English » or my other choice is « mathematics »
ME : Oh perfect, because I know  these options well and all subjects ! Have you a little preference ?
GIRL : Oh Great ! Hum.. Yes, I think I'll take  « Extra English »

ME : Because, if you want to feel the pleasure in your optional subject and to have good results it's better. 
For example, I'm taking my case : I am a senior, so in « Extra English », for a start, I like my optional subject, so already, it's  easier to succeed with  good work . 
So, chose your optional subject well . Then you need will to progress and it reassures me for the examinations of the levels. 
Do you see? Furthermore this optional subject is entertaining, because it's  oral, personally I prefer !
GIRL : Yes of course, and for the « Extra English»...
ME :... Yes ?
GIRL : How do you do to progress ? Have you got advice  for me ?
ME : Yes ! I try to translate the meaning of the sentences then the words to have more vocabulary, hum... I read english books, I watch english movies too!
 Ah also, your best friend  to learn correctly a language is the dictionary!!
GIRL : Ok, thank you for your advice!
ME : You're welcome ! Have you other questions ? For example on the High School's life !
GIRL : Hum....Yes ! About breaks and the self-service restaurant !
ME : There are two breaks: one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon ! They last fifteen minutes. Then for the self-service restaurant, it's from 11:30 a.m till 1:00 p.m, after it depends on your timetable. But, again a piece of advice, the High School considers you are more autonomous, so you'll have to think about your lessons ! 

GIRL : Thank you, just a last question !
ME:Yes, no problem !
GIRL : How do you get organized for your homework ?
ME : Good question ! Already, I always have homework, everybody will not tell you that, it is sure nevertheless it is true, finally for my case ! Because you'll always have things to be revised, to be done,etc... Well, my secret is to take the lead ALWAYS ! You'll see, your weekends will be  quieter !Here we are !
GIRL : Thank you very much for your advice !
ME : You're welcome ! Anything else?
GIRL : No, thank you ! It reassures me for the next year !
ME : Great ! You are welcome for the next year ! Well, Good bye !
GIRL : Cool ! Good bye and again «  thank you » !  

Thank you for your reading, I hope that you enjoyed my article! See you soon


  1. Good job bamboo ;p great and funny article :)

  2. I like your article! and good dialogue :)


  3. Good idea to have written a dialogue! And good advices too ! :)

    1. Thank you Bernabear! :)

  4. "You don't learn the English language, you live it!" . Good advice with the books and movies in English.


    1. You're right! Thank you Primrose!

    2. You're welcome :)


  5. Really original because of the dialogues !


  6. I like the form of your article ! it change from the others

    1. Thank you very much ! :)

  7. I love the idea of the dialogue, it's more realistic!


  8. The dialogue is great, good idea ! Interesting advices

    1. Thank you, you article is good too !
