Friday 27 March 2015

Kiwi's advice...

Hello there ! The teacher gave us this topic: 
“What about giving advice to the next generation of Extra English students?” 

For those pupils who will follow us after this year, who will be THE next generation of Extra English students, I will recommend some advice !

To begin, considering that you are specialized in Extra English, do not neglect the personal work. 

You may not say it because “It’s just English” then it will be necessarily easy to do ! 
For example, oral work requires a lot of time investment. 
You must be serious in your work, make constructive sentences while finding good ideas. 
Making sentences with complex words would be interesting to vary the words which we are used to use !
Then don't settle for less !

Afterwards, the teacher has set a blog where we are advised to post comments. 
This blog is designed to be read! [Indeed!... Mrs P.]
You will be kind enough as to feed this blog. 
It fulfills its goal thanks primarily to Mrs. Papy but also thanks to you!

Moreover, the comments posted make you earn some points. 
Suffice to say that these are given points that can lead you to the maximum rating → 20/20! (Yeay \o/)

But the more important thing is, don’t be too shy. 

Participating in class will still be a big plus to improve your English! 
This will help you gain more fluency in that language, and then improve your accent !
You can either work your English by watching movies in original-language version with French subtitles, read books in English or downright talk to English speakers!

Don't forget to speak only in English in this class !
Just saying... ‘-‘


  1. Participate in class is very important but dificult for me, but Extra english is a good option ;)

  2. everytime i see the intervention of Mrs P on our article it looks like if a ghost talk in the same time

  3. and if you read it out loud you may look like a schizophrenic

  4. "This blog is designed to be read!" I love this sentence x)
