Tuesday 31 March 2015

Don't forget: it's right now!

Don't miss the international news with the 701, every day!

                   Du 30 mars au 3 avril 2015 - LF On Air 7h - 22h - 105.1 FM - La radio du lycée Alain-Fournier - Également en vidéo sur jeunesocentre.fr - Rejoins la communauté JeunesOCentre.fr - Région Centre, Plus qu'une Région une chance pour les jeunes

Sunday 29 March 2015

They say that:

But what I want to say is this:

Give me back the hour you stole from me!!!!!

Saturday 28 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

Kiwi's advice...

Hello there ! The teacher gave us this topic: 
“What about giving advice to the next generation of Extra English students?” 

For those pupils who will follow us after this year, who will be THE next generation of Extra English students, I will recommend some advice !

To begin, considering that you are specialized in Extra English, do not neglect the personal work. 

You may not say it because “It’s just English” then it will be necessarily easy to do ! 
For example, oral work requires a lot of time investment. 
You must be serious in your work, make constructive sentences while finding good ideas. 
Making sentences with complex words would be interesting to vary the words which we are used to use !
Then don't settle for less !

Afterwards, the teacher has set a blog where we are advised to post comments. 
This blog is designed to be read! [Indeed!... Mrs P.]
You will be kind enough as to feed this blog. 
It fulfills its goal thanks primarily to Mrs. Papy but also thanks to you!

Moreover, the comments posted make you earn some points. 
Suffice to say that these are given points that can lead you to the maximum rating → 20/20! (Yeay \o/)

But the more important thing is, don’t be too shy. 

Participating in class will still be a big plus to improve your English! 
This will help you gain more fluency in that language, and then improve your accent !
You can either work your English by watching movies in original-language version with French subtitles, read books in English or downright talk to English speakers!

Don't forget to speak only in English in this class !
Just saying... ‘-‘

Thursday 26 March 2015

An interesting school projet...

...in our school, not an american High School!


And The Extra English Second Year (also known as 701) are really involved in this project... we'll try to share the podcasts on this blog.

Oton Tik's advice on High School life...

It is my last year in this wonderful A-F High School 

So, maybe I can give some advice to pupils who are afraid of the differences between the school and the high school. 

I'll talk about my personal opinion and experience because everyone could say things completely different ! 

Before  being a high school student, I didn't stress, the reality is that I was excited ! 
Sometimes people are afraid when they start something never tested before seriously, if a pupil reads this, you have to know that the high school is so cool... 

Personally I've appreciated the "freedom", when I talk about freedom, it means that when you've got empty hours you can do whatever you want ;). 

I remembered, in the school, we have to stay in permanence. 

But also, when I talk about freedom it means that only you decide if you want to work or not after the class.
 It is a new life and the most important thing to know is that you are your own master. 

You have to work by your own,  there is a big differences with the school, it is hard sometimes the first months but you have to stay calm, it is normal.

The class are really interesting because it develops your personal culture and your way of thinking ! 

I admit, sometimes it is boring because  you can have teachers who make you sleep... But it doesn't matter, I hope that you will be lucky.

Moreover, something important too is the friendship, they are a lot of "groups", you don't have to change your personality to be friends with them, don't do things to look like someone "cool" ! 

I say this because I know people who started to smoke because everyone in their group was smoking.
 So, be you :). 

And...The final exam, the goal of your 3 years in  high school ! 

My last advice will be to be happy and enjoy your time,  time goes so fast, I remember all of my years.

 When you will be at your last year, you will see what I'm saying :) 

I hope that my advice help you a little bit !

Thank you

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Honey's advice...

Hi guys !

I have to give advices on high school years 
to young people. 

But I'm not a good example and I don't really have 
advice for this ^^

But I'll try.

First I think the most important advice is : 

It's cool because you are with your friends
 but the food is poor.                                                             


And you are  often  hungry all the afternoon :p

Secondly I think that it's a good thing 
to take extra english,
 because it's an enjoyable option. 

It's funny and interesting. 

After 2 years, the option helped me to gain self
-confidence, vocabulary and love of english.

Thirdly, it's necessary to work more than 
in middle school because there is more work 
and it's harder. 

The minimum is to listen during the lessons 
and revise before the test. 

The best thing besides the previous things is to read 
your lessons every night and make records with notes.

Next, it's important to prepare your future 
very soon.

It's hard to know what you want to do 
 after high school but it's important to make 
inquires about differents jobs and studies. 

Because it's coming very very quickly
and i'ts very important to do studies 
who are really interesting to you.

I want to finish with a last advice : just be yourself

It's important to stay true to yourself. 

High school is different than middle school.

You can do what you want, think what you want.

Thanks and have good high school years !



Mrs P. never does that!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Prim's advice on High school...

I am going to give some advice to a fifteen-year-old girl who arrives in High School.

         High School could be fun, exhausting, boring and great. 
Some people find real friends, others meet the love of their life.
 You will have to decide what to do with your future within those three years. 
You'll surely be scared about doing the bad choices,
 but remember that they are not bad choices. 
You are who you are, and in our beautiful country of ours, you can choose what and who you want to become.

But nothing in life is easy. 
Some see High School as Heaven, others can see it as Hell. 
In my opinion, they are a few rules you should follow to make those years bearable, even enjoyable.

Yeah, you must remain polite in every occasion. 
It is an old lesson, we all learned it in Kindergarten: To say "Hello" and "Goodbye".
 I don't tell you to be kind to everyone; it's OK to dislike some people, but rudeness will lead you nowhere.
 If you want people, classmates and teachers alike, to respect you, you must respect them.

-Stay focused on your studies.
A new-found freedom, new environment, new friends; exciting, isn't it? 
I agree, and I was really excited by those new things too. And you will see that you grew up, so you certa
inly will want a boyfriend, but please, wait a little. 
In High School, you'll have to decide what you will want to do with your life and it is really difficult to make big choices when your judgment is clouded by your hormones. 
So stay focused on your studies.

-Don't forget the fact that you are fifteen.
You are a teenager so you don't really know if you are a child or an adult and the situation is really confusing.
 You know and I know that you will do some stupid things. 
You are growing up, you're nearly an adult, so act like one. 
If you want to do "grown-up stuffs", do it but  intelligently. 
For example, if you want to "experiment" with your hypothetical boyfriend, take the pill or buy some condoms; or if you want to have a drink, drink a beer so you won't be drunk, not a vodka! 
And do not forget to have fun, but in a responsible way!

-Don't dress up like a whore.
Sorry for my language, but there is no other way to say it politely. 
I love wearing dresses, but I only wear casual ones to go to school. You don't need to look indecent to be pretty.
Remember that pretty doesn't mean slutty.
 If you think that the clothes you wear would be suitable for a night out in a nightclub, for example, don't wear them for school. 
You are in High School to learn, not to find a lover!

-Don't drink or/and take drugs before class or at all.
Drinking too much is dangerous for your health and your reputation; and taking drugs is not good either.
 Thanks to your new-found freedom, it will be easier for you to buy those products, but please don't. 
You won't seem cool if you're drunk or high.
 Believe me, the big headache, throwing up, being sleepy or the huge hungover are not fun; it feels truly bad.

-To finish, stay who you are.
If you want people to love you, stay yourself. 
You don't need to play a role, or to change for people to like you.
 If some don't enjoy your company, find other friends! 
There are a lot of people in High School, so if you don't like your classmates you should meet new people.
 Don't change for anyone. 
Some will tell you that you are lesser than them, or that you are stupid, or ugly, or bossy or anything; please do not listen to them. 

You are worthy.