Thursday 12 June 2014

Tommo's adventure...

Hello everyone !

I had to tell you about something unusual that happened to me or someone I know. 

As nothing unusual happened to me, I chose to talk about two persons that I know.

At my training period that I did during april holidays, our coach told us the most unusual thing that happened to him… 

He went to a party and a big storm arrived. 

On the way back, a policeman arrested him on the side to control him… 
He was in his car, wet and in boxer shorts because of the storm.

Both were ill-at-ease…

Then, still at my training period, a friend told us that one day, she was walking in the street when a mad person(I think he had had too much to drink) arrived. 

He followed her and cried with a hammer in his hand…

 She had the fear of her life (I find it very funny but I wouldn’t want it to happen to me !)

I hope you liked these anecdotes. 

Bye !

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