Friday 20 June 2014


Hi ! It's Grapefruit--- and I'm going to speak about something unusual that happened to me.

        To begin, you have to know that I'm a lucky girl.

Last year, I went to New-Caledonia to spend some time with my family. 
A day, we decided to go on an island, next to Nouméa (the capital) to enjoy a moment together. 
The morning, we swam on the ocean and we saw many things like dolphins, turtles, many fishes and see devils. 
On the beach, we did sand castles of course, and on a moment, I push my cousin on the water, it was a brilliant morning. 
After, at 12 o'clock, we decided to go to lunch. 
Arrived to the restaurant, we saw a man, that we have already seen before... 
He was eating with an other man, his producer I think (You ask yourself when I'm going to tell you who he was... I like the suspense :p). 
It was this famous funny man who make us laugh. 
It was impressive to meet him on this little island very lost. 
So, we decided to talk to him. 
He told us that he was in New-Caledonia because he had a show to do. 
He invited us to lunch. 
We have left very happy to have seen Kév' Adams !


1 comment:

  1. The thing the most impossible, meet Kev Adams at the other end of the earth ! So lucky

