Saturday 21 June 2014

Hello everybody!

It's Carter, we had to do a new article about something unusual happened in our life or in the life of someone we know.
I chose an event in one of my best friend's life, it was a funny one!

My friend ( I don't give her name because she is ashamed ) was in a fair during the summer holidays.

 She was walking with her dog and her parents, when she saw a cow. 
The cow was a little scared because there was many people and my friend understood that the cow would have been able to be dangerous for her and the other tourists. 
The owners held the cow with ropes, but she struggled and she charged straight ahead at my friend. 
My friend just had time to rise one the scene nearby and to pull her dog to escape the cow.
 But the cow stay front of the scene. 
My friend was scared... 
Her father filmed everything x) 

She said me at this moment she was petrified, she didn't know what to do. Fortunately, her dog  jumped off the scene and pull her at the same time.

I hope one day she gives me the video of this «amazing» event, it would be awful! 

Sorry for this worthless anecdote but I had no other idea!

                                                                               Thanks for reading, bye!


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