Sunday 15 June 2014


The event which  shocked was yesterday.....

I was in Paris XIV at Marriot's hotel from a national conference between 8AM and 6 PM, there were an American leadership named Max Knowles.

I very appreciated his speech because this man shares positive attitude, how become best everyday, with posture etc.... And he said " Persist until something happened " and I was very troubled.

Also, he said " To achieve own dreams, we should to be an example " and I agree with him.. For me, It is the way of being for success.

Then, he tall us history of eagle, I will sum up it quickly ;

" At the age of 40 years, the eagle should to choose between live or die, because his wings, his feathers, his beak are used. Then, If he wants live, he makes renovation of himself during 5 weeks, and during this time, he got pain, more pain. But after that, he can live 30 extra years and fly and hunt. This is a rebirth. "

This story shows that for have success, we should suffer and make sacrifice for becoming that we wanna be. 

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